56: Unsettled.

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56: Unsettled.- Adam's POV

She came inside, slamming the door to catch my attention. The first I heard her say wasn't even a greeting, but an immediate order. "Kick his ass." I heard her yell at me.

I turned to see what was up with her sudden request. Her hair was messed up- blond strands out of place and tangled- and her top was on backwards. My eyebrows furrowed in a state of confusion since I didn't understand why she wanted me to. She knew I would only kick someone's ass if the person messed with her. "Why?"

"Don't question me, just fucking kick his ass."

A heavy sigh left from my slightly chapped lips. Sophie's absurd attitude and appearance made the puzzle pieces come together. I didn't continue to say another word but stood up from the couch, putting Pooky back on his feet as he rushed into Sophie's arms. "I'll be back." I said and made sure that I shut the door.

Lucas was his name, wasn't it? His car was still parked on the curb, but he stood outside to fix the hood of his car.

"Hey!" I shouted loudly and walked my way over to him. "What the fucking hell did you do to my girlfriend?"

He turned his head to me, the expression on his face being confused, like what I was saying to him was ridiculous. "What do you mean, mate? There's nothing wrong."

I hated being lied to, especially with someone I barely knew. I bit the insides of my cheek, a frown growing upon my face. "Don't bullshit me; I want you to say it."

"Plain and simple," He shrugged. "I fucked her."

I didn't give him a chance to explain for himself- he didn't have to. I immediately kicked his leg, which made him go down on the ground. I threw my fists at his jaw and nose, doing whatever I could to get him to bleed. He may be a few inches taller than I was, but it was fucking obvious who was stronger. I punched all over his upper body, hearing a few of his ribs crack.

He shouted at me to stop, but I did only the opposite. "You hurt her," I used my anger and punched him harder. "What, no condom?"

He aimed his spit at me. "What do you think, you ass? Of course I didn't!" He took a few blows on my face but that made me hit him more. I kicked him in the groin and uppercut his jaw.

Damn, he looked horrific. His mouth was already bleeding from the inside, same as his nose. Bruises were forming for both him and me. The pain was easily felt on my face. I then gave my all in one punch, completely knocking him out. His head banged hard on the concrete and soon laid still.

Sophie's POV

I started a hot bath for myself, letting the water run. My hands shook as I pulled my clothes off. It felt like Lucas' hands were permanently there as I glanced at my harassed body in the mirror. I got in the bathtub, since seeing my reflection was hard to bear.

I thought of this as the best excuse to let my tears fall in the water, like they wouldn't be easily seen. I didn't hesitate in holding back my cries. I closed my eyes as I started to cry, leaning my head forward into my hands once I was surrounded by the warmth.

He fucking forced himself on me... I couldn't believe it.

My whole body shook while I cried as hard as I could. I was now fragile, broken, and used. No words could comprehend in my own useless head, but only memories of the rape continued to play. If only things happened differently, but that was blamed all on me.

"Sophie?" I heard his voice from the other end of the door.

"Come in.."

I heard his feet quietly walking towards the bathtub, the smell of his cologne incredibly strong as he kneeled down. "Hey, you okay?"

I glanced up at him to instantly notice all of his marks and bruises on his sculpted face. His eyes looked red, as if he was crying earlier. I shook my head. "..N-no." My throat suddenly dry.

Adam breathed deeply before speaking. "I can't fucking believe he did that to you. I'm sorry."

"He pretty much raped me!" I shakily cried out. Those words felt nothing more but foreign on my tongue. "D-did he go home?"

Now it was Adam's turn to shake his head. "Uh.."

"Where is he?"

"He's still here, in the front of the flat."

I made a face, confused of what he was hinting at me. "Why?!"

"He's um, dead I think." Even with his attempt in murmurs, I could hear him clearly. His body language gave the lack of honesty away.

My eyes widened. Lucas' own state was worse than I thought. "ADAM."

"He fucking deserved it, what are you yelling at me for!?"

"I know! But we'll get in trouble!"

"I'll deal with it. This shouldn't matter at this moment, Soph." Adam retorted back at me.

I sighed, since I knew that nothing would go right if we continued to fight. "If we get in trouble.."

"I'll take the blame for it. He raped you anyway, Soph. Who's more in trouble here?"

I nodded at him. "You have a point.... Will you get in with me?" I murmured faintly, my voice as delicate as my body.

Adam quickly pulled his clothes off, piling both of our garments together on the edge of the tub. He got in behind me, wrapping my body close to his own. I could feel the tense heat of his body pressing onto mine. But it was the kind of heat that soothed me, since his presence made all the difference. "I'm sorry that I wasn't able to help you in time." He whispered, a sense of regret overbearing his voice.

I leaned my head back against his shoulder as my eyes slowly closed. I just wished this was all a horrific dream. Nothing more filled my mind but the incident. "It's okay.. I never should've gone."

Adam kept repeating his sorry's in my ear, kissing my back and neck to comfort me. I took his hands and entwined them with mine, spending this silence together with our remorse. "H-He didn't use a condom.." I muttered, still crying out tears. Sadly, this memory could never be removed out of my system. This was a permanent thing, and it can ruin my future. "What if...."

"Soph, don't think that way.. Please." Adam leaned his forehead on my back, grabbing onto me possessively.

I nodded and took my all to breathe without my heart beating uncontrollably. I didn't know what else to do, not at this moment.

Author's Note:

Hiii,  I'm on break so I'll be writing again, which I am so excited about. Please vote/comment, and lemme know you think!

Thank you for everyone who has supported this story. I'll be writing regularly againnnn.

I love you!


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