13: Pained.

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13: Pained.- Adam's POV

The boys have been in our flat for a while once again, since they were finally taking a break from all the singing and the show itself. The early morning rose and the boys were pretty loud downstairs. Their clamoring voices woke me up, but Sophie laid still asleep. I moved the hair away from her forehead so I could kiss it. I then let go of her and walked downstairs without my shirt on to give them a piece of my mind. They laughed loudly in the living room, not having a care in the world who was sleeping in this flat.

"I don't know why she should be with him. I prefer myself to treat her right." I heard Niall murmur for once. I raised my eyebrow. Who is he talking about?

"Oh come on, he probably treats her right." Louis scoffed. "It's just his impudent attitude that needs to change."

Were they talking about me? And my girlfriend? Who else!?

"He's Adam.. You can't blame him. He's always like that." My brother stated.

I came out from hiding from the large staircase. "Excuse me," I got in their way. "May I ask why the hell you're talking about me and my girlfriend like that!?" I shouted in their faces this time. They all looked surprised and dumbfounded from what they have said before. Good.

Sophie's POV

I turned over in the bed and searched for Adam. It was cold and I couldn't find him next to me. I groaned and stood up from the bed, putting his hoodie on and walked down the stairs. "Good morning." I mumbled sleepily.

"YOU DO NOT NEED TO FUCKING TRASH YOUR WORTHLESS COMMENTS ON ME LIKE THAT." Was the first thing I heard, immediately awakening my eyes from my trance. I saw my boyfriend walking forward to Niall, closer and closer. "I treat her right. Why do you like her anyway? And don't you make an excuse to say you didn't. I fucking heard you."

Niall backed away, his desperate eyes wanting some help. "I just, I just like her, man." He said. "I'm sorry."

"That's not what you said. It was about you wanting to be with her instead." Adam always wanted to be right, never wrong. He demanded for an answer. And when Niall didn't respond he threw his fist to Niall's jaw, making him fall and collapse on the floor.

My eyes widened in shock, horror. "What the hell!?" I shouted as I grabbed Adam to pull him away. "What's your problem!?"

He moved his arm away from my grip. He was furious in a way I have never seen before. Maybe he was like this in the past fights he has been in. "He said that he wanted you!" He shouted angrily. "No way in HELL am I letting that happen!"

The other boys ran to check up on Niall. "You can't just hit people!" I shouted back at my boyfriend. I didn't know how to calm him down.

Adam rolled his eyes. "I had to."

"Mate, stop hitting people, damn." Zayn muttered, looking up at him.

"Don't fucking tell me what to do." Adam started to walk towards him too.

"Adam, calm down." Harry stood up, putting his hands in front of him to stop his brother's tracks. He wasn't as alert and shocked as all of us, since he has seen his brother's wild side more often than I ever have.

"NO. Did you see what he said!? This is one reason why I didn't trust these guys." Adam scoffed, shaking his head.

"You're so over dramatic." I mumbled.

"I'm trying to protect you. Stop trying to help." He shouted the last word at me. He stormed upstairs.

"My fucking jaw hurts..." Niall said as he massaged it.

"Are you okay?" Harry knelt back down with the other boys.

"No, I'm not." He breathed. "He hit me pretty hard."

I walked over to Niall, sitting beside him. "I'm sorry." I really am. Adam couldn't say sorry for himself, so I'm doing it for him. Niall sighed. "It's okay. I'm sorry for making him mad." He said.

"Don't be sorry, he gets mad a lot."

"He needs to get it straight babe, maybe you should talk to him." Harry mentioned.

"I'm not dealing with him right now. He needs to learn that he cannot get mad or jealous over every little thing." I shook my head.

Harry nodded, understanding what I just said. Niall slowly stood up, me helping him. "Is my jaw getting bruised?" He pointed. I frowned as I nodded. I walked forward, extending my arms out for a hug. I stood on my tippy toes as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Why did he even punch you?"

"I.. I was just talking about how nice you were." He smiled. "He got jealous I guess."

I laughed quietly and kissed his cheek softly. I pulled out of the hug a minute later. "I'm going to go talk to him." I walked up the stairs to his room, opening the door.

I saw Adam pacing back and forth once I came in. I knew he was still in an angry mood. I leaned against the doorframe, watching him. "You okay, babe?"

"I'm fine." He snapped.

I stayed quiet for a while as I just stood in the doorway. I tried to think of something to say, but he beat me to it. He stopped his frantic pacing and turned around to look at me in the eyes. His anger seemed to simmer down, more in despair. What was he thinking?

He scratched behind his head and then stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I don't think we should be together, anymore."

My heart literally stopped. Did I hear him right? "W-what?"

He looked at me. "This relationship. Us. It's over."

Never in my mind have I thought I would hear those words before. "No... Don't do this.."

He glanced down, his facial expression not changed. "I just can't do this."

"Adam, please.." I nearly begged him, my voice shaking.

He shook his head as his final answer. "I'm sorry."

I turned out of the room as soon as I felt tears coming down my cheeks.

Stupid, I thought. You are so stupid to even think you would be with him forever.

I slowly walked downstairs, not knowing what to do. A flood of tears poured down without my control. "I uh, I think I'm going to leave now." I mumbled to the boys as I started to the door.

"What?" I heard Harry's voice first. He walked up to me. God, I did not want him to see me like this. "Where are you going? What happened!?"

"I'm going home." I wiped my face poorly. He must have understood my pain, since he was broken up by Alex. He nodded slowly. "Take care, Soph."

I gave him a small hug, still crying. I had no clue why he had broken up with me. What did I do wrong? He kissed my head as he hugged me. "Don't let this get to you."

I nodded and pulled away from the hug. I looked at the boys and gave a small wave. "Bye.." Their faces were full of pity. They waved. I then walked over to my flat and went inside. I shut the door slowly and ran to the living room since it was closest. I sat on the couch, trying to stop crying. I honestly do not know why he would break up with me. There had to be reason. I love him so much; my heart was not ready for this. I cried some more. I did not care that my mascara ran down my face. I did not care that my hair was probably a mess. I don't care. If he didn't care, why the hell should I? I finally cried myself to sleep after a few hours. I slept on the uncomfortable couch because I was incapable to move. I knew my back would hurt, but that was the least of my problems. I slept alone. Today marked Day 1 of my sleepless nights without him.

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