17: Loved.

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17: Loved.- Adam's POV

"You haven't been in this house for a while, have you?" I asked her. I walked to the door, fumbling the door as I used my house key.

She shook her head. "Not for many months.."

"Well I'm sure you'll be fine. It will just be us alone." I laughed, running a hand through my hair. I then opened the door, not expected much of anything. I first saw Harry and someone straightening their shirts and hair. It definitely looked like I interrupted their wanted peace.The other girl was turned around so I couldn't see her face nor who she was. Hm, another girl, Haz? At most times, Harry would admit to me if he was seeing another girl. This was strange. "God damn," I spoke. "Get a fucking room, both of you, will ya?"

The girl instantly glanced up but then turned away quietly. It took me a moment to realize who she was. My eyes widened. "Sophie!?" I pointed at her. She was almost half-naked with my brother.


"Alex?" Harry's gaze looked down when he noticed her beside me.

"What is she doing here!?" I shouted. I didn't want Sophie here.

"She's with me." Harry shouted back, gripping onto her waist.

Sophie's POV

I looked down and avoided the boys' loud conversation. I didn't know what to say. Adam was with Alex, Harry's ex-girlfriend. Is this really how I'll be treated after our breakup? Is this why many people have warned me to stay away from Adam? So I don't get hurt like I am right now? If only I was smarter than I was before.

"How could you, Harry?" Adam walked nearer to him. "This is low, even for you, taking my ex-girlfriend. And I personally thought she could do better." He spat close to his brother's face. Harry didn't react. He must've dealt with him long enough to get used to his attitude.

"Well you're with his ex-girlfriend.." I had the tendency to speak up.

It was then his eyes averted to mine. He was angry. "I don't even know what to say." Adam scoffed. "With every moment we had, it had to be ruined by my fucked up brother."

"Hey shut up, Adam." Harry interrupted. "You're the one to talk, taking my ex-girlfriend for yourself. You dumped Sophie, like she was a piece of trash." He gestured to me. He did. I've felt worthless ever since. I didn't mean anything to him. "You didn't have to treat her that way like you are now."

I didn't even realize that I was crying. I glanced up at Alex who was standing quietly. My tears poured down my face. I couldn't stop it. To know that I loved him with all I had, life brought me back to reality and let me realize that nobody is as perfect. We all get hurt in the end, like a stab in the heart. And those feelings never leave.

"Adam, let's just go." Alex said softly. "They need some time alone."

Adam nodded and led her up to his room upstairs.

I sat down with my head in my hands. Adam hated me and it was pretty obvious. Harry sat down beside me as I softly cried. "Sophie.. Don't cry."

"I can't.." I breathed out. "Help it.."

This must have been what it's like when Alex broke up with him. "It hurts, doesn't it?" He asked.

I nodded. It did hurt. Like hell, too. I cried hard for minutes. I just couldn't stop. I thought Adam had actually cared from months before, but I guess not.

"I'm right here.." He barely spoke. "If you need that shoulder to cry on.."

I lifted my head up for a minute, only to crawl into Harry's lap. I buried my face in his chest as I continued crying. He automatically wrapped his arms around me. "Shh.." He whispered. "You're worth more. He's not what you wanted."

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