Chapter Ten

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Holly's P.O.V

The call immediately consisted of many exchanges of "i miss you" and thanking each other for the presents which we had given out. Since we weren't all together I made them promise not to open it before Christmas, and they all kept that promise.

After a lot of talk about how their families are, I was about to say goodbye. Since I had been stuck in this room for two hours doing emails, followed on by another three hours on the phone with the girls. I wanted to get a breath of fresh air, and also secretly wanted to spend more time with Jimin, but they have no idea I am at his family's house for Christmas so I couldn't tell them that...

"I will see you guys on the 28th! We aren't going to be separated for many weeks on end!" I said and they laughed.

"Okay, we'll see you on the 28th" Areum said and I nodded, smiling since that day is creeping closer.

As soon as I was about to say my final goodbye of this long phone call, the door to the office suddenly flew open and I turned to see Jimin. I felt fear rush through me as I turned to face him, knowing that the door is in perfect view for the girls to see.

"Holly have you seen my-" He starts to speak, but then he sees three extremely shocked faces on my screen which he definitely recognised. He looked at me and then felt worry overtake him. A small silence was shared between us. He realised that not only did he just reveal to the girls that I was now in Busan with him, but had also walked in the room shirtless. Damn, he looked good. I felt my cheeks heat up but managed to keep my blushes under control. Him walking in this way made it seem to the girls that this was a regular occurrence because of how casually he had strolled into the office, and was definitely giving them the completely wrong idea...

"Phone, have you seen my phone?" He finished his question and turned around to look for his phone, I immediately noticed it was in his pocket, which he obviously forgot that he'd slotted his phone into. I noticed that immediately since I was still surprised at the fact he was shirtless. I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of his bare chest, and his pocket is close to where I was looking.

"It's in your back pocket of your jeans" I said quietly and he nodded, after patting the pocket, discovering he had his phone in there the entire time. He let out a small chuckle and took it out of his pocket.

"Thanks" He said nervously, before leaving quite quickly.

"THAT WAS JIMIN!" Areum immediately shouts as he shut the door and I had turned to face them again.

"WHY THE HELL WAS HE SHIRTLESS?!" Amy then screamed after, all I did was look down, since I knew this was not the end of the commotion that had just been caused.

"DID YOU TWO GO TO BUSAN TOGETHER?" Nari followed on after Amy's loud observation.

"YOU'D BETTER GIVE US SOME ANSWERS!" Amy then added, I had no idea how to react.

"I have to go now, but I'll explain later I promise" I said quietly as I quickly went to end the call.

"NO YOU'D BETTER EXPLAIN NOW PLEA-" Amy was shouting but I ended the call half way through her sentence. I didn't want to deal with this situation anytime soon, not until the 28th at least.

I sighed as I came out of the office and then went to the family room. I scrolled through my phone for a while before I saw Jimin enter, I didn't take my eyes off of him and he looked over to me with worry evident in his expression.

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