Chapter Sixteen

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One week ago...

Amy's P.O.V

Everyone is petrified of whether we'll ever find Holly again. We still search day and night, working with the police to hopefully catch whoever has taken her and find out their reasons for it.

In doing this, V has definitely been searching the most. He is so protective over his little sister, he would do anything for her. He would die to know that she is safe. He has been getting almost no sleep these last few days, scared of what news we could receive about her health or whereabouts.

As well as V, Jimin and Suga have been searching along with him. They work endlessly to try and find her, as do us all. But they're incredibly persistent. They're not looking after themselves. We all try to convince them to take a break, try to relax, and maybe have some fun. She wouldn't want them to be working themselves this hard just to find her, what if she's found her own way out?

Last night us girls slept at the boy's dorm. We decided to try and have the boys calm down and rest, but it was no use. They were very hostile and would get extremely angry if we tried to stop them. We eventually gave up, I felt incredibly frustrated with them all, which Kooks noticed. He took my hand and we walked to the couch. All the others smiled a small bit, everyone has been down since Holly's disappearance, but we're trying our best.

We laid down on the empty couch, side by side, he fiddled with a lock of my hair and I rested my head on his chest. Jin selected a movie and we watched it, until I fell asleep in that same spot.

Today we woke up and freshened ourselves up, and we saw Jimin, V and Suga all together trying their best to come up with new places to search. I sighed and went to the kitchen, where Kooks had prepared food along with Jin. I smiled as they handed me a plate of food and eventually everyone here, except Jimin, V and Suga, came go collect their food. I took the plates and gave them to the boys, but they seemed more interested on finding places to look next.

When heading back to the kitchen with empty plates, Kook took my hand and led me away from the kitchen and into a corridor far away from the others.

"Today we are going to go out, and relax. We are all tense but we need some time away from the stress. Is that okay with you?" He asked, and I nodded. Smiles formed on both of our faces as we left.

We walked around the town, going into the little shops and then eventually coming to a small cafe where we bought some food and drinks. We then after that continued to walk around, then we went on a short train journey to Incheon, where he took us to the beach and we watched as the sun set on the ocean.

The day was relaxing, something that we all need. Most of us are able to get a little bit of relaxation. It's just those three boys who won't. Eunha has told us that she is worried about V's health and that she is quite busy so she can't check on him. We're all worried about them, there's only so much they can do.

Back to after she sent the texts...

Holly's P.O.V

I sat back down on the cold floor, looking at my hands whilst still being trapped and tortured in the basement. My message read:

"This is Holly, track this message however possible and don't reply, I can't have them finding out that I messaged through their phone."

I sighed as I stared at the ceiling, knowing that hopefully they'd receive the message and find me.

Just that moment I heard the door open, and I diverted my eyes to see Eunha walking down those creaky wooden stairs. She was followed by Jisu and Mina, Jisu saw her phone and walked over to it. She seemed to inspect it then nodded to herself.

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