Chapter Twenty Three

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The next morning...

Holly's P.O.V

I woke up next to Jimin, he was still asleep so I stood up and freshened myself up in the bathroom. When I went back to Jimin's room I found he still hadn't woken up. I left him to sleep, and went to the kitchen. There I saw Amy sat scrolling through her phone, she looked up and saw me, put her phone down and smiled.

"Have you told him yet?" She asked and I shook my head.

"I have no idea how to, it's not exactly a small thing to tell someone" I said and sighed, then sitting next to her. She went into thought and then an idea clearly came to her mind.

"You still have the test right?" She asked and I nodded, then realising what idea she was suggesting.

"You could just hand it to him, put it in a box and wrap it!" She said and I laughed as she stood up and ran across the dorm.

"Do either of you have a box?" She asked Jin and Rapmon who were sat on one of the couches on their phones. Rapmon went to his room and found a shoe box, a bigger box than we needed but it will suffice.

Amy went back to the kitchen and got her phone, and called Nari. I was confused but then she told me whilst it was calling that her and Areum went out to the mall. She asked for them to pick up some wrapping paper, they were confused but they said that they'd do it anyway.

I then got the test and put it into the box, we closed the box and then waited for Nari and Areum to come back with the paper. We wrapped the box and then I decided to wait for Jimin to wake up.

We decided to cook breakfast for everyone. As they all gradually began to wake up, they got their food and eventually Jimin was the only one not awake. I went to his room, and then sat on the bed, I lightly shook him awake and he slowly woke up. He smiled and sat up in front of me, I knew my face wouldn't show complete happiness since I was so nervous.

"What's wrong Holly?" He asked and I smiled, feeling more nervous than before.

"Here" I said quietly, moving the box from behind me into his view. He looked at the box confused but then picked it up.

"What is it?" He asked and I shook my head with a smile.

"You'll need to open it to find out, but the box is just a box and doesn't give you any clues at all" I said and we both laughed, he began to open it and I felt my nerves pile higher and higher.

As soon as all the paper was off of the box, he opened the box and saw the test which had been rattling about in the box as he moved it. He looked at it in disbelief, picked it up and read the positive sign. He looked back up to me and his smile grew wide and his hand went over his mouth in shock.

"Are you serious?" He said with a smile still beaming on his face. I nodded and he jumped onto me in a giant hug. "When did you find out?" He asked and I laughed since he was definitely still surprised.

"I felt really sick yesterday, that's why I ran out of the room so fast. Amy took me to the hospital and that's when they made me take a test and we found out. So much was happening yesterday I wanted to wait till today" I explained and he nodded.

"Can we tell everyone else?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yes whenever you want to" I said and he took a moment to think.

"Could we tell everyone today? We're all here, even the girls" He asked and I agreed to do that.

"I can see you were nervous to tell me. But Holly I'm insanely happy to be a parent to our child, nothing could make me happier right now than this" He said and I smiled brightly, he cupped my cheeks and kissed me, I smiled as I kissed him back and we got everyone to sit on the couches so we could tell them all.

"What's the news?" Nari asked as she sat down beside J-Hope, she then thought for a moment. "Why the hell did you need the wrapping paper?" She asked and we laughed.

"We're pregnant!" Both Jimin and I said at the same time, everyone looked happy but definitely surprised. I checked to see if Tae was going to overreact, but in fact he looked quite the opposite.

"So I'll be an uncle?" He asked in disbelief, I nodded and he jumped up from his seat, ran over and hugged me tight. I laughed whilst I heard everyone congratulate us. Tae pulled away from the hug and then I saw his eyes were watering, along with mine.

We decided to all go out for lunch to a nearby restaurant, we walked the short journey and ordered our food. We released the news to the fans whilst we were there and we read responses, which were all very supportive. Most of them were excited and happy for us, but the few that weren't we didn't bother to worry ourselves about.

We then had our food, and then tried to work out how we were going to look after this baby once it is born. We live in two separate dorms, how is this going to work?

"It's not going to be easy if we all move into our own homes, I think it'd be fun to get a mansion for all of us together" Tae suggested and everyone seemed to like the idea.

We all work under Big Hit, we all see each other every day and are virtually always staying in each other's dorms. All we have to do is talk to Big Hit about it, but they should be okay with us doing that.

We then went out to go to laser tag, I made sure that I was careful but we had a lot of fun whilst we played game after game and changed our teams up every few rounds.

We then went back to their dorm, the walk back was nice since the sun was setting and it was still warm, but a cool breeze would pass every now and then. When we finally sat back down I decided that Jimin and I should tell my Dad about the pregnancy.

We told everyone where we were going, and then called for a cab. Soon enough one arrived and we had a lovely driver who was very friendly. After about 30 minutes we arrived at his house.

As we walked up to the door talking, I then looked up and realised that the door to his house had been knocked down, and that there was a clear path through his house of destruction.

We both ran into the house and searched for him, and he was nowhere to be found. I started to panic and I looked over to Jimin who was also worried and was already dialling 119.

The police arrived shortly and they asked us about any suspects. We mentioned Eunha but we weren't entirely sure, we knew she had it out for me but not for my Dad. It would hurt me emotionally, maybe that is her intention.

They then checked the street cameras and we saw a navy blue van pull up to his house, people in black hoodies run and smash down the door, pull him out of his house and then put him in the van. They drove away and then I looked up at Jimin.

Everything was going so much better, we were going to give him the delightful news of our pregnancy. They said that they would do the best they can to locate him through the van and the hooded figures.

We then called for another cab, and went back to the dorm. We told everyone the news and they were all in disbelief and they all decided to put on some movies and make bowls and bowls of popcorn to try and make me feel better. I was now also beginning to really want popcorn so this really worked in my favour.

I cuddled up to Jimin as we watched the movies, and as I was falling asleep he played with my hair.

"Your Dad will be just fine, everything is going to go just as we want it to go" He whispered reassuringly, I nodded lazily before finally falling asleep.

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