Chapter Twenty One

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A/N: I am so sorry for how many P.O.V. changes there are in this. Again.

Eunha's P.O.V.

I've been in jail for just over a year now and I've had enough. Holly can't get away with it that easily. She's not off the hook, why should she be? Someone so pretty and talented doesn't deserve to have a good boyfriend and career too. She has enough, she should give other people a chance. Being in prison is far too lonely, especially now that I've been separated from Jisu and Mina. However, I know for certain that Levi wasn't arrested when we were caught that day.

I got up from my cold, metal framed bed and went to the door of my cell, and I began to bang on the door.

"Officer!" I cried, and I hear footsteps from down the corridor approaching my cell.

"What do you want?" boomed the officers voice.

"I would like to make a phone call please" I say plainly, and sure enough he unlocks my cell and leads me off down the corridor to the room with the telephone boxes.

"You have 5 minutes exactly" he says, and shuts the door, watching me through the one way glass of the cramped phone box room. Immediately I begin to dial the number of the person that I knew could make everything right without me having to do any of the actual work.

Levi's P.O.V.

I felt my back pocket begin to vibrate as my ringtone blasted at full volume. I take out my phone to reveal an unknown number but decide to answer anyway.

"Hey it's Eunha, listen I haven't got long so I need you to just hear me out, understand?"

I manage to choke up a yes from my stunned silence at the sound of her voice again and she continues to tell me her plan.

"That girl you were going to rape last year, I need you to split her and her boyfriend up. I'm hoping to get released from prison soon so I can come and assist you but for now here's what you need to do. Find some really pretty girl and some really hot guy and send them in the way of Holly and Jimin. Tell them I'll pay them if they succeed at splitting them up. All they have to do is get their minds to wander, make the other jealous and then they'll be finished. If they do this right, I'll pay you too, so choose wisely. Capiche?"

I quickly agree to everything she says out of the pure fear of that woman. I'm a tough guy if I do say so myself, but even I'm frightened of Eunha. She's far too sly to be calm around, constantly looking for ways to stab you in the back. I find it easier to just do as she says, therefore keeping out of trouble.

"Look I have to go, my times up. Do as I say and you will be rewarded. Do not let me down". The call cut off and I knew what I had to do. I got up and headed out into town to try and find the perfect candidates for Eunha's cunning little mission.

Holly's P.O.V.

I was sat in my room with Amy watching a ton of ridiculous youtube videos and we were stuffing our faces with a giant bag of sweet popcorn. At the moment, we're watching "50 facts you didn't know about HANA" and laughing at the ones that aren't actually true. Every minute or two, Amy looks at the ring on her finger and then proceeds to look up at me as if I haven't yet been told of her engagement when I was there when it happened. It's nice to see her so happy now she's getting married to Jungkook. However, since Jimin asked me just 2 days ago, I can't really say anything. I'm exactly the same. I look down at my own hand at the simple ring on my left hand and smile before looking up at her. We both take the others hand and look at each others rings and start giggling to ourselves, we never thought this day would come and we are both over the moon.

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