Chapter Fourteen

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Holly's P.O.V

We found a quiet and comfortable place to sit. We sat in silence for a minute before I decided to disrupt it.

"So why did you not come back straight away?" I asked him, he readjusted himself in the chair and thought about what to say.

"Your Mom had been in trouble with a group going by the name of YTBF, I'm unsure of what it stands for, or why she was in trouble for that matter, but she was. From what I know, a misunderstanding occurred, they thought that she was someone else, and they wanted her dead. On that night, the leader of the group ran us off of the road, ensuring that it'd kill her but not me because of the angle that it was done. She passed away, but I survived after serious injury and mental trauma..." He stopped talking and looked at his hands, regaining himself, before resuming.

"When the car collided with us, the best way I can describe it is that it felt like time had stopped completely. I heard an incredibly loud crash. It was almost deafening. There was a massive jolt from behind, sending me and your mother flying forwards in our seats. Unfortunately, there seemed to be some sort of issue with your mothers seatbelt, police believed that it was tampered with prior to our journey. The impact was so big, and when their car impaled into ours it came undone, and she flew headfirst into the glass, and then proceeded to go straight through it. It was the most awful thing I had ever witnessed in my entire life, your poor mother stolen from me in a matter of minutes." He said as calmly as he could, I gave a weak smile whilst remembering all the time I had spent with her.

"On the day of the accident, I was being moved on a bed, but I was stopped at the back of the waiting room as they had forgotten to do a check to see if the room was free. I heard the doctor declare to you that I was dead, and since days before your Mom told me that they would kill anyone close to me, just because they want to make her suffer both dead and alive, I knew you not knowing me being alive was best. You would be safe, your career was building up, you didn't need more drama. For me, I knew you'd be safe, but I had to work to pay off money to those in the group, whilst simultaneously working with the police to catch all of YTBF. They eventually caught everyone a few months ago, and I was told by the police a few days ago that it was safe for me to find you again" He concluded, we hugged for a while before.

"Dad, how did you cope? Were you okay?" I asked and he let out a sigh, ready to tell me how it had affected him.

"Once I finally escaped all of the comotion, I had to begin again, but it was far from easy. I have suffered with severe PTSD for the last few years of my life. Most nights, I would have dreadful nightmares about what happened to me and your mother. I would wake up in such a state that some nights I became completely paralysed in my bed. It gave me long lasting and severe panic attacks every day, as well as a general anxiety around any type of transport. I would hear noises and see images that reminded me of that fateful day, and the more I was reminded, the more it tore me down. I spent weeks entirely bedridden with depression and anxiety, refusing to leave the house unless completely necessary at the blatant fear it could all happen again, that history would repeat itself in the worst way possible. It became very difficult for anyone to understand how I felt, and there were days where I doubted my own fears and told myself that I was being utterly ridiculous. I hated myself for the fear I felt, but it became uncontrollable, it possessed me and consumed me, suffocating me and destroying my life. One day I had had enough as I realised I couldn't live this way anymore. As much as I would die to be in heaven with your mother, I know she is looking down on both of us, and she would want me to find you. So I spent my time trying to help the police find the entire group of people instead of hiding away from the thing I feared the most. I knew that the only way that I was going to get better was if I was reunited with you, my precious daughter. And now I have. And I am never letting you out of my sight again. I am so sorry for everything you've had to hear today, I realise it's a lot to take in and I completely understand if you don't want to see me or accept me back in to your life. But please, Holly I have missed you dearly and I want nothing more than to be a family again." He explained, by the end of this tears were falling from both of our eyes. We hugged before we sat back down again.

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