chapter 28

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Anna's pov

I was sitting in the waiting room trying to calm myself down as tears rolled down my face. I am so worried about Brian and Branda right now.

I was shacking and I couldn't stop. I felt as if I would past our any minute. I was so tired and weak. Then I Saw a doctor came in the hallway. It was brain private doctor. Mr Peterson.

"Anna Rushmore" he called for me.

I jumped up quickly and ran over to him. I didn't think I would have energy to run but I did.

"That's me doctor how are they? are they okay.?" I ask trying to calm my heart rate.He look at me with a sympathic expression.

"Talk to me doctor are they alright"

"Your husband is in coma miss Rushmore. He has 3 broken ribs one the left and 2 on the Right.
He also have a broken leg. He was badly beaten and and his nose is broken." I started to cried and took some deep breath to try and control my breathing but It was no use.

"And w-h what about Branda"I say. God please let the new be better.

She only have a broken leg and a broken ribs she will be fine."he assures me.

" Can I see them." I ask.

" Sure room 45 and room 78" I went to room 45 first. When I push the door open I see branda laying on the bed. With white cast on her left leg and back brace around her back. To keep her stomach in place. I rush over to o her and hug her.

"Oh branda are you alright" I ask while kissing her cheeks

"Yes mommy, but am in a lot of pain and my Tummy hurts"she answered and started crying.

"Oh baby don't cry."I hug her closer to my body and try not to hurt her.

"You'll be okay soon." I rock her back and forth.

"Is daddy okay mommy"she ask between sobs.

"I don't know baby. But I will know soon." I say still rocking her.

I stayed with her until she fell asleep. When she was deep in sleep I kiss her on the forehead and exit her room.

I made my way to room 78 and push the door opened. As I saw the state in front of me, a gasp escapes my lips. Brian had a cast on his left leg similar to the one Branda had on he also had a back brace on and his nose was bandaged. There were Band-Aids all over his face, arms and stomach.

His state was so devastating. I walk over to him and sat beside him. I look at his face and sob as Fresh teats rolled down my cheeks.

"Brian........ I know you can't here me but I am so sorry for what they did to you . I know you will say it's not my fault but that doesn't make it hurt any less. I am so sorry. I want you to wake up soon. I miss you already." I say and held his hands. I stayed with him until it was 1:00 am.

When I got home it was 2:15 am. I drag myself upstairs and went into the bathroom to take a long hot shower. I stay in the bath tub and think about what happened today. I was so exhausted from crying. I just sat in the tub replaying what happened. I was in tub until the water became cold and my fingertips look like prune. I got out, dried myself and put on one of Brian's shirt and one of his boxers. I miss him so much I thought to myself as I drift off to sleep with my pillow soaking in tears.

Hey guy I hope you like the chapter. Please vote and comment on this chapter.

Peace love and guidance


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