chapter 14

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Anna's pov

I woke up and found a pair of hand around me then I froze.  I felt uncomfortable when I look at myself. I am completely naked.

I started to panic then memory from last night came rushing  back to me and I started to relax and hug  Brian's hand then he spoke.

"Your awake"

"I think I am"

"Have a good night?"

"Yeah you can say that" and then we both laugh at the same time. Then  Branda started calling from her room and approaching ours.

"Mommy? daddy?"

"Shit"we both say in unison and smiled at each other 

"Brian distract her she can't see me like this" then Brian started chuckling. And started to approach the door but it was too late Branda opened the door and ran in.

"Mommy"she jumped  on the bed and hug my naked body" then she look at me confused and said

"Mommy why are you naked"

Uh oh

" um.. well .. I ..uh"

"Princess mommy um uh" then brain pinch me


"Mommy was....feeling pain in her legs. I mean in her heart"

"Mommy are you going to die" tears are flowing from his eyes

"No muffin  mommy is fine, daddy is just over reacting..... can you give mommy  and daddy a moment"

"Mommy are you sure"

"Yes muffin am fine"

" okay We I hope you get  enough sleep  because we are going to Disney land today"

"Oh I almost forgot ofcourse"

"Okay  princess mommy will help you get ready in a minute"

"Okay thanks dad" she said while skipping into her bedroom across the hall

"your welcome princess" she exit the room while I turned to Brian

"Pain in my heart really and why on earth did you pinch me!"

"What!? That was the only thing I could think of" he chuckled.

" anyways Thank  your a life savior" I said while releasing my breath I didn't even know i was holding

"You owe me big time"

"I know so what do you want in return" I remark teasing him

"Oh you know what I want"

"Oh no I have no idea" I said teasing him even more

"Well then do you want me to remind you what I want" he says with a smirk that say here come trouble while approaching the bed and taking off the cover that is on me.

"No! I think I remember  now" I blurt out.

"Good cause if I were suppose to remind you, you would never come out of this bed"he say and peck my lips. Then look at me with a victorious smirk. I hate that damn smirk

40 minutes later

"I can't believe I am at DISNEY LAND!!!" branda said

"YES I CAN'T BELIEVER EITHER!" I say while jumping up and down like a 3 year old. 

creepy I know but I can't help it

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