twenty seven

504 11 0

Jade's pov

I was running. I didn't know what I was running from,but I knew it was something bad. I had to hide,but I was standing in complete darkness. I couldn't feel my legs or arms. I was crying hard,and I know it will not stop soon. I wanted to scream,break something or do anything else that might distract me from the hell I'm in.

Eventually,I see a light. I run as fast as I can. That thing that was following me it's still behind me,but like it could never catch me. My vision became clearer.

I'm at school. I was standing in front of my locker. After a couple of seconds in which I was trying to figure out what happened,I notice everybody was pointing and laughing at me,basically saying the same stuff they always say to me.

I starter crying,again,and it felt like I will never stop. It was like the whole Pacific Ocean was pouring from my eyes.

I ran to the restroom,and the first thing I see is Perrie. I go and hug her,but I instantly back off when I see Alex standing close to her.

"Perrie! Listen to me!" I say,but it's like she couldn't hear me

"Why won't you listen to me? Please.." My eyes were even more full of tears than before.

"Jade! C'mon! Wake up!"


I get up immediately,not realising that I was crying again. The tears hurt my wounds.

"M-mom?" I look at her,with mt watery eyes

"Jade,are you fine? And don't lie this time,you were crying and screaming when I got here"

"Y-yeah I'm fine. I just had a nightmare. Everything good" I smile,trying to assure her that I'm fine even if I'm not

"Stop lying! You didn't had the occasion to tell me who did this to your face" My crying became harder and harder as seconds passed by

"Alex. Perrie's ex" I say

I felt like I could tell her everything that happened,from the beginning till now. And that's what I did.

"Oh my gosh Jadey! I need to talk to the principal" Her words scared me

"No! Mom,please don't do this!" I beg her

"Why not? Nobody has the right to treat you like that!"

"It doesn't matter. I will get over it..but please don't do anything. I don't want to be seen as 'that kid that tells everything to the principal' "

"I can't just go tommorow morning to work and pretend nothing happened! I will tell the principal,but I will tell him not to say anything to the other students,only the to parents of those kids that bullied you,okay?" Mom looks at me with such a worried face,that I couldn't deny.

"Yeah" I say,knowing that it was no point in 'fighting' with her

"Now go to sleep,okay?"

She kissed my forehead,then left my room. But I couldn't sleep. I was just thinking about that stupid nightmare. Maybe that's what it was,just a stupid nightmare.

My phone buzzed,sign that I just got a notification. But it was a text,from Perrie. Why would she text me at 2 am?

Perrie : are u awake? i can't sleep :(

I closed my phone,without answering,I didn't want to communicate to other humans right now. I will probably answer her in the morning with something like 'sorry I was sleeping'

Little did I know that this nightmare wasn't just a 'simple' nightmare..

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