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Jade's pov

As soon as i opened up my eyes,all the memories and thoughts came back. My sister is dead.

Today is Monday. School day. Should i go? Yes,maybe that's gonna keep my mind occupied.

I grabbed some clothes and got into my car and started the engine and drive to school.

As soon as i parked my car,a lot of students of the school that i haven't seen in my life,came to me to say their condolences.

I saw Perrie and went to her. She hugged me and i hugged back.

"How are you love?" She asks me with such a concerned voice

"I've been better. But,do all the students know now?" You ask her

"Yes. You know,rumors and facts spread up very easy and very quick" she answers you,while going to your locker to get your books for next period

"Are you sure you're ok going on school today?" Perrie asks me

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" You answer her,trying to hold your tears back

"Well,Jade..your sister just died a few days ago. I don't want other students to pick on you or to make fun of yoi for that." She says to me,holding her hand in mine

"So I see you're finally togheter"

I recognise that voice. Rebecca. Tha girl that made fun of you since you first came here.

"Get lost Rebecca" Perrie says trying to defend you

"So early?" She says flipping her blonde wig

That wig wasn't the color of Perrie's hair. Her hair was so soft and beautiful. Rebecca's hair was very blonde,almost white,sincerely.

"Oh my god Rebecca can you leave?" Jesy came out of nowhere

"Nodoby likes you so get lost" Leigh Anne speaks for us

"Thanks" i say,still holding your hand with Perrie

Me and Lee walk to our history class,that you have togheter.

"Jade how's that english project going with Pez?" She asks me

"What english project?" I ask (a/n this is so me omg)

"The one where you have to write a song." She explains to me

"Oh my gosh i totally forgot! Why am i so stupid?" I start panicking

"It's ok Jade,calm. You have to deliver it next week" Lee laughs

"I need to text Perrie. We need to work on that now!" I say,now arrived at your history class.

Perrie answered your text almost immediately.

Perrie💕: Oh my God,Jade,I forgot too! My house. After school. We really need to do that. See ya😇

I smiled and locked the phone. You enter the class,and of course Rebecca was there.

The teacher,put me next to the devil himself. Rebecca made fun of me all class. And,of course,the teacher always blamed me because she only saw me trying to stop Rebecca.

As soon as the bell rang,i rushed off class,to find Perrie. I was running and I found her immediately. I didn't notice that now my eyes were watery.

"Oh Gosh,Jade. Come here" Perrie says,opening her arms for a hug

I hugged her. I loved her perfume,her voice,her personality. I loved everything about her.

"Let's go at my place to work on that project. That will keep us busy for a while" she smiled at me and i did the same to her

Gosh,I was really falling for her


Ok so another update yey! I will update tommorow again,i really don't know like now is 1am here and i am writing a Jerrie fanfiction
And btw..this has 628 READS? WHAT??

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