thirty five

415 9 2

Jade's pov

I noticed that in the past days Perrie tried to call me or reach me in any way a lot more than she did before. I also noticed she doesn't spend so much time with Alex anymore. Maybe they broke up and she thinks I'm the second option or some like that.

I won't fall for it this time. This experience made me stronger,even if those cuts on my wrist are still visibile,after all,the bad experiences make you a stronger and better person.

Now I was having lunch with Jed. I don't even know if we are 'a thing'. I really enjoy his company and it feels like we are made for each other. But I can't go through another relationship,especially after what happened with Perrie.

"You've barely ate anything,Jade." Jed speaks as he noticed that I haven't even touch my food.

"I guess I'm not hungry." I fake a smile to assure him I'm okay.

"Are you sure everything is fine?"

"100% sure" I smile,once again.

But it wasn't fine. I would barely eat. I was feeling fat. I knew I was fat. When I was with Jed I was lying,telling him I already ate at home,but when I was home I told my mom I ate at school. I was tired to faking everything. When I would actually bring myself to eat,I just couldn't swallow it,and ending up spitting all the food out. In the worst nights,when I would feel guilty for eating,I made myself throw up. I wasn't sure about what this is,but I don't really care about this right now.

"Let's go to class. I bet Miss Tiffany would be angry for not being in class in the same second the bell rang." Jed says laughing,and I follow him.

That's when it hit me. Perrie had the same class as me. I tried to stay calm,because I haven't actually seen her around so much. Guess she wanted to avoid me.

I decided to hide it all,so that Jed wouldn't ask me different questions such as "sure everything is fine?" . I was getting tired of those and him treating me like I'm made of glass.

"Oh! Here you are! You are late,lovebirds!" Miss Tiffany said to us. Of course she is pissed off about us being like 5 minutes late.

"We aren't even that late!" I say,and all the eyes are attached to me,but one feels like it's going to burn me alive. Perrie.

"Sure. Now take a seat."

Jed,being a jerk he is,he took the seat that was away from Perrie,so I would sit behind her. I wasn't ready to face her. I wasn't ready to spill it all out.

I was in the middle of this worthless and boring class,when Perrie throwed at me a piece of paper. I wasn't sure if I should read it,so I looked over at Jed,and he nodded.

"Jade,I know I am the last person you want to talk to right now,but I really need to make sure you know the right thing. I didn't sent that text,I swear. Meet me at lunch break in the usual spot? Not so usual anymore.

I quickly sent a text to Jed very careful so that Miss Tiffany wouldn't see me.

Jade: Perrie wants to clear things up with me at lunch break. Freaking out. What do?

I got an answer almost immediately.

Jed: Stay calm. I think you should go. I will be there for you no matter what happens.

I sigh. I wasn't ready,at all. But,I needed to face her now or later. I wasn't sure about her 'not sending the text' but I needed to hear her side of the story to try and fix this mess.

Here we go..


I wanted a conversation  with jade and perrie because i haven't written those in a while and i missed this.
Next chapter very soon!!!!!!

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