Ch 2 - Dinner

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The three of you are heading out to late lunch/early dinner. What can happen during this golden family moment? Anything is always up in the air for the (LN) family.



Akeno was changing out of her work clothes. She was always beautiful and after having Raiden her body was still curvy. Pregnancy she was all belly. Akeno can go back to those girls back when you went to the underground casino and still blow everyone out of the water. The only difference in her style of choice is skirt a hair longer and less cleavage shown with the boy around.

She comes about it with a black dress and checks her hair. "Boys do I look okay?" You looked in the mirror at multiple angles.

"Wow Mom. You look great."

"And Hubby?"

"Have to agree there Akeno. You look stunning. Truthfully."

"Too much?"

"Maybe a little but you look great. Raiden and I got got matching dress shirts. Black was his choice. We can head to dinner in class. So Mamma you and Raiden Cloud agree on a place."

"Sushi? Italian?" Akeno was starting to shoot ideas.

"Mom can we do sushi?"

"Cloud strikes with lightning. Let's go." Akeno picks up her son and spreads her wings. "Let's tell Aunt Rias little one."

Raiden is excited. He loves it when he gets flown around. "Weeeeeeeeee!"

Much joy to my day. "Hey wait up." You run down the stairs as you watch the two soar. One of the ways they bonded. Given his name not surprised hes a flying boy. Rias, Ruby, Asia, and Yui were enjoying a nice meal together. "Hey girls. Where's Issei?"

"With the twins and Xenovia." Replied Rias.

"Three girls with blue hair can drive a man mad. The three of us are heading out to sushi. Anything you want us to bring back? California rolls for the little ones maybe."

"Yay." Chimed Yui.

"Guess that's a yes. Anything else? Going once going twice?"

"Two tunas, one spicy, and a dragon." Said Rias.

"Alright. Catch everyone later. Akeno? Raiden? We all good?"


"That's a yes Daddy." Akeno called and going in for a landing.

"This... is paradise. Just love my family. Everyone in this House."

"Think we all think the same. To think you came so far in so little time six years ago." Rias smiled and gave you a hug.

"I know. And the little one on the way. Nothing got in our way. Not the in laws, not other girls, or an Devil business. Treat it good while it last right Rias?"

"Very. Enjoy you three. It's movie night for all of us. Maybe Kiba will be around."

"Him and the Bird?"

"Don't call her that." Rias sighed.

"Sorry. But is she?"


"Sweet. Catch you later people."

Raiden was confused. "Mom why doesn't Dad like Kiba's girlfriend?"

"It's fiancè Dear. Kiba and your father are great friends. He just thinks she's a little mean at times. Although I think they both get into trouble."

Voltage (Akeno X Reader 2)Where stories live. Discover now