Ch 11 - Lace and Elastic

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Well the boys are flat out in trouble after having a night of stupid. To make it worse Riko and Raiden had one on one time and Raiden couldn't English. Now that Riko is back to bed Akeno is marching up those stairs and giving Ravel the business of the night's panty raid. What's Akeno going to do?



(Just a second note I hit publish a third of the way through. Sorry for the inconvenience hours ago. My bad.)

"Akeno? Please. Hold on. Wait a second." You tried to ease her.

"Back off!" She insisted.

"Calm down."

"Don't tell a woman to calm down!" She snarled at you.

"Okay." You throw the hands up and go to Raiden's side. "Oh yeah son. She's pissed. Sure you know that."

"Dad what happens now?" Asked your son.

"Well boy, this is when your Uncle would say, "we are going to get porked" and everyone in the house will wake up." (Hilarious enough I'm laying down carpet and my supervisor said this. I was dying because of his accent.)

Akeno knocked on the door and entered. She ordered the boy to wake up his mother. Then waited in the hallway. Question is how long was she going to wait?

Rinji went into his mother's room and joined in on the opposite side of the bed. Inching his way closer to Ravel. Nervous and seeing if he can play it off. So much like his dad. "Ma?" He shook her arm.

"Baby boy is that you?" She yawned.

"It's me Ma." He whispered.

"You have a bad dream? It is late you know Rinji."

"Well..." Cuddles maybe. "Can I take Dad's side?"

"Something troubling you?"

"Akeno scared me. I think I'm in trouble." He hugged her.

"Mommy's here. She looking for you?"

"My baby? Oh no. I won't have it." She's only in a t-shirt from Issei and panties. Striped ones for attention. *whistle*  She was now in for it. Walking right outside her bedroom door and opening the door to the hallway with Akeno standing right there in front of her. "I'm sorry, can I help you?" She was grumpy for having her beauty rest for?

"These look familiar?" Akeno held out Ravel's red string.

"Lewd!" She blushed and snatched them. Rolling into a small ball in her hand. "How did they get in your hand?"

"Our sons decided to go on a panty raid. I found out by catching Rinji shaking my dresser. My drawers are locked. So, I am punishing my son and he will give you an apology momentarily. Though I wanted to get with you to determine what we should do."

Ravel looked at her son. Then shook her head. Then smiled. "Just like his Dad."

"Wait what..." Akeno pondered. "Nevermind..."

"Rinji?" Ravel looked over.

"Mama?" He only said that when she was angry.

"Apologize to her about everything you did wrong and we will line up chores for you." Ravel was firm and Akeno was glad she could agree with her on at least something.

"But Mom..."

"Rinji how dare you go into a woman's dresser. Same thing with your sister's. Ruby, Yui, Riko, or Ranko I won't have it. Mine if I ask you to hand me socks is something else. You hear me?"

"Akeno? I'm..." The boy looked at the ground. "Sorry."

"Look at the person you're talking to." Ordered Ravel.

He looked up in fear. "I'm sorry Akeno."

"Better. Anyways you get to bed." She pointed to his room. She was starting to get fiery.

"Can I get a glass of water?" Rinji asked innocently.

A ball of fire appeared in his mother's hand. "Run that by me again?"

"See you in the morning Mama!" He yiped and ran to his room shutting the door. Clearly he was done with his night and ready to rest up. The boy was now on the hot seat.

Akeno smiled. "Thank you."

"Sure. Where's my fiancè? What bedroom?"

"I think... Rias."

"Oh I'm not waking up Gremory. Have a goodnight and find chores for the boys to do. And if it's cleaning me and you are watching them scrub it till we can eat off it over a glass."

"My. Guess we shall see. Goodnight." Akeno nodded.

"You as well." Ravel closed her door.

Then Akeno turned to your boy. "You are apologizing tomorrow and are off to bed. Am I clear Raiden Cloud?" She crossed her arms and glarred at him.

"Yes Mommy." Sighed Raiden.

"You heard your mother son. Don't be sad it's part of growing up. Mistakes have consequences. Stupid things have punishment. And you won't be in anyone's dresser for a while."

"Yeah... Night Mommy. Pops." He waved.

"Night son."

"Night little demon."

"Akeno. Really?" You shake your head.

"Tyrant?" She asked.

"Guess. Look. What is your plan for tomorrow with those two?" You wanted to know the damage dealt. Peer pressure versus evil intent.

"Cleaning the restrooms."

"Our son is going to clean a toilet because he was peer pressured? Come on. Please tell me your reasoning for this one. That's crap." You were going to stand your ground on this one.

"Going along with it for hours? Stealing? He knows better. I get it (FN). I do. But getting on terms with her and agreeing on this? It's something. A fresh start. A nice outside woods breath of air. I'm taking it. Better for your favor too. I've moved on her trying to mack and seduce my boyfriend at the time and now husband. Now it's us being parents. And if out sons are going to be friends it's better this way. You want to supervise with us that's fine. Otherwise you clean the John and I'll give our son the sink." Even though it was the middle of the night she clearly had been taking these last few weeks into deep thought. The statement she made about moving on. Not forgiving but moving on and compromising. It was very strong on her end to do so. Something many couldn't. And she made up her mind. Wow.

"Geez..." Her words almost struck you with a headache. Too much emotions for this time of night. "No clean. Right. Bed time. Son. Cleans, a toilet." You yawned.

"Now let's get back to bed. I'm not in the mood." She complained.

"It's too early." You groaned.

"Yeah. And don't get in my way tomorrow or you will have the couch. Got it Daddy?"


"Repeat that?" She growled.

"Yes Dear." You flinch.

"Kay Honey. Nighty."



Punishment served via cleaning. Something more to it? When do the kids and adults all find out? And what will happen to the boys? Riko going to flip on Raiden? Ravel being a parent by showing discipline or this just an act? Going to be am interesting morning.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day cause you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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