Ch 4 - Homewrecker

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Click-Clack, don't look back, Ravel's knocking you off the tracks. On top of that Raiden unintentionally selling out to her. Now it just leaves who is the little boy and how Issei and his wives are going to take this.



Just great. Raiden is going to be stuffing his face with his cousins. What to do now? Ravel is right here. "Uhhh hey." Thought to start the conversation okay. "So who's the brave little man here?"

"This sweetheart is Rinji. He's my little firework."

"Nice to meet you sir." The brown haired boy smiled.

"(FN) little guy. Little one running around with sushi is Raiden." He's Issei's sperm. Same here and eyes and she's a blonde.

"You see it?" Asked Ravel.

"Oh yeah. Has he met him?"

"Dragon? No not yet. My .other has watched him while Issei and I have been out and about."

"Hasn't met 'Daddy' once. That's cruel Ravel. I know he's a dog. And a pervert. As well as a polygamist... Nevermind." Gotta do it eventually. You take a breath. "Look Shirley Temple."

"Hey! You know I hate that." She blushed.

"Well I'll inform the wives. Then take it from there. Sound good?"

"I guess... Hey Rinji you should join Raiden. I have to talk to your father."

"Alright Mom. Place looks cool. Can I fly around?" Asked the little one.

"Be careful of your surroundings. You know the rules now."

"I know Mama. Love you." The new little boy spreads his tiny devil wings and takes off. He's slow and only hovering but it's something. He went to fly over to see his half family and new friend.

"I'll be damned. By boy has struggled. Trying to teach him. He tried jumping the staircase."

"He's just as reckless and handsome as you." She giggled.

"HUSBAND! GET IT UP HERE!" Shouted Akeno.

Oh boy. No good. Me no likey. "Uhhhhh... tall to Rias. I'm going to get crucified. See ya." You nod and quick head up the stairs and into your apartment. Akeno never shouted. Rarely. Any wise husband knows to tender with care moving forward. Moving into the apartment and shutting the door Akeno is sitting on the sofa facing the door. Her arms are crossed and she is not happy. She won't drop six years ago. Even those times she visited between now and then she didn't make herself known. "Yes Dear?" Itching the lower neck.

"Why is that bitch in this house?" She barked.

"Akeno. Honey. Please calm down. It's about Rinji. Her son that is."

"And she brings him here after five plus years? I don't like it Daddy." She looked away. Just so angry about this. The memories floating back ever since the casino. After that money girl blonde and intermission all thought issues were over. Then saving Ravel, then parents, then Raiden being on the way. Quite the rollercoaster. And after all of that, Ravel wanted you. In bed. Or a strip club. Or anywhere you can just plain get it up and insert. Akeno had multiple trump cards, however in this case she shouldn't have to use them. Marriage is about trust. Trouble was Raiden.

"I have your trust. And you have mine. I love you always and we have a sweet little boy together. Ravel may be a home wrecker. I can't speak for Rinji. However what about Raiden. If they get along well then what? Rias will have to make the call which I am sad to say." You shook your head.

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