Ch 8 - Food and Hits

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🎶Daily life. Make your stand, new girl, frying pan. Daily life. Short life span, jealous blonde, she can can. Daily life🎶

Yeah spoof from Candy Store. Have a laugh will ya? Seriously if Issei gets a pan to the noggin once a week without a helmet he'll have trouble living to 50. And that's rounding up.

Presently Issei is in the kitchen with both Asia AND Ravel. Something's for to give here. Who's going to leave unharmed as you, Akeno, Xenovia and the kids enter? Hmmmm...



Raiden and Rinji quietly entered the kitchen first. Rinji went right to his mother that was sitting down at the island in the kitchen. He hugged her and plopped his head in her lap. She patted his head.

"So cute." She smiled.

Raiden did something similar. Just glued to Akeno's hip. "Awwww. Remember you'll always be my baby."

"Yes Mommy." He clinged.

Issei just looked at the boys and is in a confused state. He realized that he missed something. "Okay what just happened?"

"Father I cannot repeat." Rinji groaned trying to recovery.

Issei looked at your son clinging to your wife. "Raiden? Anything?"

"Uncle I cannot function." He groaned.

Then Issei looked at his twins giggling. They had this semi evil giggle and Xenovia was hugging them. Proud that they stood up from themselves. Being the father he just had to ask. "Girls? Can you explain what happened to the boys?"

"SLA." They chimed.

"I... don't follow."

Xenovia broke the hug and put a hand on Issei's shoulder. "Surprise Loli Attack Dear. They got back at the boys for the prank."

"Define attack." He wasn't sure if this meant hugs or missiles.

"False seduce attempt." She winked at them.

"You two will like tits eventually." Issei shook his head.

Asia was right there and heard everything. That last statement just her off. You heard a loud but none echoing crack. "You dummy!" She yelled after hitting him with a giant pizza paddle.

You were surprised by the change in weaponry. As was Issei. He wasn't on the ground. "Asia? The heck? Why that thing?"

"I'm cooking!" She flipped a pancake.

"Alright. I get a pass."

Oh no! You flinch a little. Asia turned around with the frying pan and hoisted the pancake high in the air. Thank goodness for the high ceilings. Bonking him on the head with the frying pan you could hear the loud ding. As Issei crashes to the floor Asia sees the pancake descend as times the landing. Now caught she turns back to the stove. "Jerk. Riko, Ranko you girls are first since you earned it."

"Yay." Smiled Riko.

"Awesome." Chimed Ranko.

"Thank you Aunt Asia." Cheered the twins as they got seated at the table.

"Hey Issei. Dear sir, slash Daddy, slash husband, slash Uncle. Are you alive Senpai King?" You lend a hand to the poor guy.

"Dragon Darling are you okay?" Ravel was just speechless. But she was careful with what she saw. She knew multiple blondes in the manor could cause trouble. This was day one or two at most of her being here. Time to adjust.

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