Ch 5 - Friends

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Raval and Rinji are with Issei as he slowly loses control of his life. They are in the manor as the kids are getting along quite nicely. What does this mean?



Issei hugged his son as Ravel joined in. There stood one of the few families made by Issei himself. His only one lookimg exactly like his. The girls were jealous for sure but did their best to keep to themselves. Asia being the worst one taking it very well. Not a frying pan in sight. For now that is...

"Hey Dad." Raiden got up and stood next to you.

"What's up Rai?"

"Can Rinji teach me how to fly?" He asked jumping up and down.

"Well..." Answer was not up to you. Akeno was the only one who could vouch for that. If you were smart that is.

"We'll think about it." Akeno glarred at the boy.

No we won't. She kicked your high ankle. Ouchy!

"Behave." She said and walked out of the room.

"And just what the hell did I do now?"

"Raiden your father and I will have a lesson for you tomorrow. And you husband you and I have an important business matter."

"That we do. Help me with the laundry."

Good excuse too. Being pulled aside for chores wasn't too bad. But you had a problem on your hands. A blonde problem at that. Ravel was really clinging to Issei. As you grabbed a basket you were hoping Akeno was going to be calm and collective.

"Wifey?" You ask her while you grab the basket.

She pushed you against the wall and you dropped the basket. "Do you love me?"

"All my heart and soul." You don't hesitate and grab her wrists.

"I don't want her around if she's going to separate anyone. Rias should feel the same way."

"Wrong for Rinji to not be around both parents. I'm not making the call. It's Issei and Rias. I feel the same way you do. I married you. Not her. Not anyone else. I married the woman with the magenta eyes who's in front of me. And we have a sweet boy who one day is going to be awesome."

"I'm glad. Thank you."

"Thank you (FN). For everything."

"I owed you for helping me and my life. Heck I look at it now and Raiden only has one grandparent. I don't want him to ask that question. Although I can imagine it won't be hidden forever." You hold back the waterworks. "I don't have a family portrait or anything. Neither do you."

"Well... my father has requested a visit. He hasn't seen Raiden in months. Christmas is coming up too."

"Much aware."

"And I want you for Christmas. Just like everyday."

"Be serious with me. What do you want for Chriatmas?"

"Honestly I'm not sure. Maybe a nice coat?"

Hmmmm. I know you're reading my mind so don't even think about it. I'll figure it out.

"Thanks Daddy."

"All thanks to you Akeno. We got it. Together we will fight like we always have. In Devil work, games, parenting, and everything else. And if you are worried you don't have to compete. Wifey always wins. And I plan on spoiling you this Christmas. Just saying."

Voltage (Akeno X Reader 2)Where stories live. Discover now