Ch 6 - Moving

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Raiden is all about Rinji moving in. Akeno is pissed. And then we have your poor bastard self in the middle. But your son learned to fly and Ravel has really said a word to you. On the bright side, least you're not Issei. He's got a pan, a lecture, and possibly even the couch. Try not to join him now.



Akeno was spending some time with Rias as you, Kiba, and Issei were grabbing boxes and bringing them up to Ravel's apartment part of the manor. Gasper couldn't get a grasp on lifting things half his size. It's Funny. The place used to be just massive bedrooms and now they are apartments with at least two bedrooms and a living room. No kitchen for interaction and how much plumbing does a house freaking need? 20 sinks in the mansion. Why not right? Yeah... just no.

The last round of boxes were complete. It was a Saturday and early afternoon. Plenty of daylight left. As Ravel tore the tape off the first box it was of course all clothes.

"So I guess we'll have you get settled in?" You asked.

"Thanks Thunder. Although I think me and Issei need a moment or two."

"Certainly. Alright Kiba I'm sure you got plans."

"I do. See you around you two." Kiba nods and exits behind you. After shutting the door he stretches out his back and sighs. "No idea how Tsubaki is going to react to this."

"About her moving in? Please. Akeno is furious. She's at the point where she  thinks Raiden is going to cuddle in her boobs on a regular basis. Like how that boy Storm boob cuddles his mother's succubus friend in a story we read."

"Well those are G cups. Either way that is lovingly. This right here is bad civilization. What do you call her again?"


(I can't thank Justin and Josh enough for these terms. I love you guys.)

Kiba nods. "Ahhh. This beside the strip club?"

"She wanted to be appointed mistress. Yeah. Welcome to the Good Burger. Home to the Good Burger. Put your face in there. Yuck. Hate to say this because you've always been the golden Knight but I can't do blondes."

"Same ironically. Look at my fiancè. Dark hair and glasses. Sassy as hell to boot."

"Just hope she takes care of you man." You shake your head.

"Look. I get she's not openly affectionate and such publicly but she's shy believe it or not. That's all. Always wanted to see her out of that comfort zone. Work in progress."

"Not the politician type thank goodness."


"And I'll be best man a short time away. She is planning around that and the honeymoon right?"

"What do you mean?" Kiba was never the naive type, but he was missing this one by a long shot.

"Kiba my husband can we reschedule? I have papers to file." You act in character.

"Oh really? Oh (FN) do me a favor and rub my feet? I've had a run today."

"Haha. Very funny. Yet touchè."

Akeno overheard this. She cleared her thought. "Ahem?" She sounded behind you.

Shit... Your turn around. "Hey wifey." You smile.

"My office. Now! Geez Kiba you should know what that means."

Kiba sweatdropped. "Too true. See ya." Then he walked off as you were going to head into your room.

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