Ch 24 - Ladies On Strike (Mini)

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First off I want to apologize to all my Akeno readers. I know it has been months and I have helped other Akeno fics as well. Yet, I have some unfinished business here as you know. I am not satisfied with what I have.

Presently the women are mad at most of the men in the manor plus Saji. So outside maybe you and Gasper everyone else is in deep crap. Since these women rule the roost, what do they have in place?



So far it has been two days since terms were placed. Lady's Rule as Issei referred it to. Kiba only served a day of cleaning the place and was just finishing his silent treatment with Tsubaki. Gasper is was squared away after a day. Issei and Saji got the brute end of it. This was such a reenactment of Raiden and Rinji cleaning bathrooms from the raid. The ladies and kids were basically on a staycation. The only real poor excuse for punishment for you was you helped the guys with dinner and so did Gasper since he felt bad just sitting around.

Raiden and Rinji were with the girls as those two were being double checked on. Riko was keeping Raiden in line not that she had to. And ever since Ranko tackled Rinji he has been on guard since. With that in mind the dining room was empty. You kissed Akeno goodbye to prepare food for everyone as Ravel was on the opposite side of her.

"You think me and you were a little too easy?" Asked Akeno.

"For you I don't know. Since you knew everything. I mean did he tell you about the dancer?"

"Well Ravel now that you mention it all the details. Every one. How she was apparently pressured into the job and everything. It's crazy. Would have brought her on a date if he was a single man. Well least what I got. You can't buy what a stripper tells you."

"Come on some girls have old men buy them clothes. Tip thousands and thousands of yen just to sit down and talk. Dance or bar. Holidays too."

"Well men like to indulge. Especially powerful ones."

"My Issei too."

"Though I get the terms. I thought at one point I would be the same." Thank goodness (FN) came to me. Whether we had Raiden or not he would still be my man.

"I've loved Issei regardless of our situation. But I don't want to fight. I mean I want the best from my son. You the same. He has gotten a little better. Especially after the bathroom clean up."

"Yeah. Remember our boys scrubbing the floors? What a sight. Though I apologize again for how I reacted. Even so I think we would hope we can sleep knowing our boys won't ever steal again."

Ravel put down her coffee. "The pervert is a trait isn't it?"

"Raiden is, hmmm. Actually that's questionable. But Rinji called me hot. I'm sure Raiden has something clouding his mind. He's a Devil after all who was born when I finished highschool. I get it. I am in nowhere to talk."

Ravel giggled. "Well those two are almost the same age. Though Raiden is the big brother in a sense?"

"No because of his little 'friend' Riko. Which I have talked to Xenovia about."

Ravel smiled. "Well I mean cute. See it in movies. A little vampire and werewolf couple that are about the same age. Go figure. How does it all work."

"Well they aren't even in school yet. So given that, nothing serious. Don't get used to sleeping to one another except on the couch by accident. That sort."

"You know something Akeno?"


"We still hold grudges?"

"I guess the tense in the beginning."

"Well we both have the history."

Akeno put down her cup. "Hey, how about we do something to get even with the men. Not a punishment but a wife or fiance's needs or say."

"Shopping?" Smirked Ravel.

"Tomorrow while they babysit. I'll inform the girls and we will take our sweet time. And maybe this could be a good thing."

"Alright bimbo."

"You're on shortstake."


Friendship and last minute payback? Hey it could be worse? But will it?

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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