Christmas Special

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Hopefully this is done by Christmas Eve. I have a good amount of stuff going on and want another original idea since I just published two other Christmas specials today and yesterday. Hope you all like it.



It was the morning of Christmas Eve as the clock was sitting close to 8 AM. Akeno put a nightgown on in case Raiden came in as you were still sleeping. But she was awake and in one of those flirty moods.

"Daddy? Hubby? Handsome?" She rolled on top of you and pinned your shoulders. "You awake Dear?"

You open your eyes and stare at your wife's magenta irises. "Hey. Morning."

"(FN) you know it's the day before Christmas?"

"That I do. And I have mine for you and don't you ever you looking for that gift. I'm watching you."

"How so?"

"Even if I grab food and turn my back you won't get away with it. Even during my shower this morning."

"How so?"

You got her right where you want her. The tables turn when you play her game. She is your wife and you know her that well. "But Wifey you don't want to shower with me? Wash each other down? You don't want me to  get naked with you? My lover? The one I dreamed about?"

Akeno blushed. "Well..." It's not like it's been a while. He's right. I can't turn him down. "Fine. But you're brushing my hair."

Hook, line, and sinker. A-right. "Tell me. Where's Raiden?"

Dynamic entry as the young boy bursts through the door and he took. Flight. Hovering over the bed as Akeno rolls off from on top of you. "Trust fall." He lands in the middle of the bed between you and Akeno and starts giggling. "Happy almost Christmas Ma and Pops."

"You the same. Although you Master Raiden Cloud know to knock. That was rude."

"Sorry." He sighed.

"Rinji and the girls don't do that."

"Ravel doesn't care that I know of."

Akeno was steaming. "You haven't seen her chest right?" She glarred at him.

"No. Gah. No. Just... she's not like that. Although she has warm hugs like you Mom."

Akeno wasn't going to have it but at the same time on such a good holiday. Clearly though jealous. She didn't have to but it was all jealousy. "I have you know these breasts are bigger and they did feed. Yeah. She has nothing on me but okay Raiden Cloud. Don't make me get Aunt Asia in here."

"Mom! Did you have to go there?" Raiden blushed.

You chuckle. "Easy little man. Otherwise what you'll get for Christmas is a helmet. Major ouchy. And your birthday a jockstrap."

"A what?"

"Let's put it to you this way Raiden. See Ruby, Yui, Riko, and Ranko down there?"


"Unlike a bowling alley the balls won't be returned properly. More like a good kick or two. Oh yeah. Not pleasant."

Raiden cuffed his belt area. "I'm sorry."

"Make note next time son. Now see what the girls are up to. And don't you and Rinji get into any funny business. Your mother and I have some important matters to attend to. Won't be long. Maybe an hour."

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