Ch 3 - Porking

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I come up with these lewd titles on purpose to get a laugh out of people. Especially from Two From The Board where it's Akeno vs Koneko with a little Ravel at the end. I enjoy it quite a bit actually. But hey. Here's to another chapter. And it will be pretty interesting to see everyone's reaction to little boy Phenex. Especially we know Rias and Asia *DING!* Hey! Delay the pan woman I'm narrating. But yeah, Ravel having a child is interesting.



It was a great dinner overall. An hour has past and your family just sitting on the couch wondering what was next. Raiden being the little storm cloud full of energy was curious after dinner. Food was no longer occupying his mind. He was getting curious. Always wanted to learn more. Mind and battle. Which was a good thing. But this well... was a poor subject.

"Hey Pops who's the blonde chick? Seems important?" He asked casually.

"Aye. You address adults properly. But her and your mother don't get along." Watching Akeno cling to the elbow tightly. "She tried to separate us."

"Mom? Why?" He just gasped. Couldn't understand why.

How to go about this... No corruption. Hmmm. "Ravel and your mother really just don't get along Raiden."

"That mean if her son is cool we can attempt to hang out?" He asked.

"Well..." Akeno you can hear me. Not my call.

"If he's behaved maybe. But if he's like his mother in making life a thousand hells then I won't have it." Akeno huffed.

"He's about Raiden's age. Long as they don't burn down the house."

"He's a Phenex. Fire my husband. Fire. He's prone to burn it down."

"Well... got me there."

"Mom. That a no go?"

"Raiden... we'll see." She shook her head.

Damn Ma.

"I can hear you boy." She glarred at him.

"Dad did I say it or think it?" Raiden asked confused out of his little mind.

"A woman can know everything son. You were bound to lose either way."

"Awwwww. No fair Pops." He complained.

"Like I said boy. You will learn some day. Even I have a lot to learn."

"Really Dad?"

"Yeah Raiden. Even though we've been married a five going on six years, I have much to learn."

"What do you know about Mom so well?"

S&M. Akeno spanked you. Not a light tap but a good smack. "Woman!"

"Behave Daddy." She winked.

"See?" Starting to sweat from the smack. "I lost too. But yes. Your mother has always had one side of the bed. When she's cranky she could go for a nice ice cream. When pregnant with you I've went up and down the stairs a few times. You know."

"Thank you Dear." Akeno nodded with a guilty smile.

"So Honey who do we tell the news to first?"

"I'll ask Issei. I can get answers out of him. You and Raiden talk to Kiba. Don't come looking for me."

Ah dammit. Really? Knowing this might be another fake seducing moment. "Alright Raiden. Let's see how Uncle Kiba is doing."

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