Ch 10 - Not My Ship

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Gladio from FF15 "Not on my ship." Comes to mind. Rinji is stuck with all brothers and sisters with Raiden the best friend. Those two are starting to slowly ignite the manor like fire and gun powder. What will take one of them to slow down? Akeno? You? Fire? A frying pan? Something else?



It was late at night as the adults have gone to bed. The manor was quiet. Which on a weekday was given a six hour guaranteed window of all traffic in the household would come to a dead silence. Outside of the normal bathroom trip or glass of water. Disturbing the peace were two young boys going into the hallway. With the nightlights guiding their track the two met in the hallway. Then simply nodded as they jumped over the guardrail and hovered down. Already impersonating their favorite raccoon thief. (If you know this reference you are amazing.) In the kitchen they could speak freely.

Rinji shinedvthe flashlight over his face. "They asleep?"

"Yeah. I thought I would never get out of there. My Mom was reading." Replied Raiden.

"Waited twenty minutes?"

"If course."

"Alright then Raiden. Pick a color."

"Red. You?"


"That's settled. I have to find a red pair of underwear from your mom. And you find a black one from mine. Has to be in drawer. Not a laundry basket."

"Rinji... why's would I want to do that? That sounds dirty. Like Uncle Issei naughty."

"Pop knows what's good. You going to chicken out or are we golden?"

Raiden feeling the peer pressure he nodded. "Fine. But what do we do next after? Head to bed?"

"After the panty raid then we try the girls."

"Steal your sister's after was the twins did to us? Come on."

"Would you steal Riko's?"

"No... I kinda don't want to steal Ravel's."

"Your Mom is hot."

"Yours is. Literally."

"I'm in a Devil of fiery, devious energy. So you read?"

"I guess Rinji..."

"Rock, paper, scissors goes first right?"





"Shoot." Both go rock.

"Shoot." Scissors beats paper. Rinji wins.

"Darn. That mean I go first?" Asked Raiden.

"Oh yeah. And if you get caught no snitching."

"Fine. But I think I will do better. You stay here while I go to work." With that he carefully takes flight up the stairs and tiptoed in the hallway. A creek could possibly wake someone. A wake could lead to a busted operation. As he inched closer he cracked the door open. Alright. Only one thing can get in my way. Ravel. I'm not going to like this. The boy got on the ground and crawled in. Having the darkness blend with his black hoodie and sweatpants. He's so in for it as he makes his way through the living room. Staying by the couches just in case somehow anyone came in. He was taking his sweet time as he made it to the master bedroom. Alright. Dresser. Opposite side of her side of the bed. Carefully turning the knob he pushed forward the door and quietly hit the deck. Staying down and nothing could be heard. Issei wasn't there and Ravel was out cold. As he crawled to the dresser he did a final check. Then got on one knee to open the drawer. Not looking he grabbed three pieces of fabric. Then crawled under the bed. He used his flashlight to check the colors. Though corruption was kicking in now. The little light shown a white pair with a red bow in front, a blue lace, and a red string. This is a panty? It looks like someone made a string outline and just forgot about it. Hey it counts. With getting what he came for, Raiden slowly put them back and shut the drawer. Then crawled out of the bedroom and the same route to the hallway. After a sigh of relief spread his wings and flew back towards the Rinji.

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