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I'm practicing my two senses. Sense of sight and sense of hearing. I'm reading my book for now.

I'm in the last book now of Harry Potter. Well, I'm not that potter head person but I just loved him. Specially Harry's friends.

*knock, knock*

"Your highness," A voice called

"Uncle!" I exclaimed and jump off the bed and opened him.

It's Uncle White. Remember he changed his nickname?.

"Kaithlyn," He whispered

"What's up with you?" I asked and smiled

"Read this book. This may help improve your knowledge and learnings about your senses."

"Okay," I answered and accepted the book. "Wolves? Really?" I asked when I read the title of the book he gave.

"Read it now." He commanded and left me

The book isn't that thick. "Huh! It's going to be okay."

I jumped in the bed and read the book. It seems like its enchanted.

"Woah! Interesting," I whispered

I kept reading and reading. My mind analyzed it properly. I have more knowledge like my mind is fulfilled with everything.

But something went in. "I missed them," I murmured and looked up in the window.

Argh! Stop searching for him. I suddenly made a smile and continued reading.

"Your highness, your mother called you." A voice said outside my room

"Yes, thank you." I went downstairs and greeted her as courtesy.

"Mother?" I asked

"Someone wanted to give you personally this flowers," My mother said

"What flowers?" I asked

"Let him in," Mom commanded the butler and let a guy entered and he walked towards us.

I saw him- Xander. His bringing flowers. His expression changed when he saw me. Oh My Goodness, he must not see me in here.

"Your highness, I was delivered to send this roses to you," Xander said and bowed


"T-thank you," I stammered

"Thank you boy. You may now leave, your finished delivering that, isn't it?" A woman said walking down the aisle.

Aunt Glory!

"Sister," My mother called and stood

"Good day, sister." My Aunt said and she's wearing a dirty white coat and thick eyebrows with dark colored make up. Violet lips that's telling me to back off.

My knees are trembling. Nervous perhaps.

"Your highness!" Hannah shouted that seems like she missed me.

"Stop shouting Hannah. Your disrespecting the majesties," Her mother said scolding my cousin.

She bilat at her mother's back. "Stop doing nonsense, Hannah. I can sense you. If you wouldn't stop I'll cut your tongue," Her mother warned

Hannah hugged me directly like I did. "Your hurting our visitor, sister." Mom said with authority

Maybe she's angry or what.

"Oh, am I not a visitor too?" Aunt Glory asked raising one of her brows.

I frowned a bit and looked at Xander. His looking at me not understanding the situation. Goodness!

"I'm sorry," I mouthed at him

"Is he the one courting your young girl?" Aunt Glory asked

"No." I answered, "He was just delivered."

"You can now go out boy. Privacy between majesties," Aunt Glory said

"I'm sorry your highness but I would gladly like my own majesty will said that," Xander said

"Oh!" Aunt Glory said in disapppintment

"This isn't your Kingdom. Your not allowed to let my people out without my authority sister." Mother said and sarcastically smiled at Aunt, "Go on boy, a little privacy."

Xander left and everything felt of tension. I told my mom that I really hated and I really am scared at Aunt Glory.

Mom loved her sister and loved me more specially her people. But she sometimes sensed Aunt Glory when Aunt Glory is abusing her kindness, my mom's kindness. I really love my mom.

So much.

"Why didn't you come?" Hannah asked in a whisper

"What are you talking about?"

"Our wedding proposal? Remember? I was expecting that you'll come."

"Wait, when was that?" I asked and frowned

"Yesterday," She answered and cross her arms

"Ops, not my fault. Actually, you never stared the time when and where." I said and smiled at her

"Oh yeah! It's ny fault then. Tsk," She said and slapped her forehead.


"What are you doing here by the way?" I asked her

"I don't know with mom. Maybe she wants a fight, ha, ha, ha, ha." She answered while whispering my ears.

I smiled a bit. "How come you--" She cut me off

"You know mom is really uh!. We knew visitors from other kingdom aren't allowed to enter here but as you can see my mother is a monster." She whispered

"I see," I answered and grinned

"We're leaving for two to three days. Or maybe we'll stay here," She murmured

"Ha! Your funny right?" I replied

"Ladies," The Queens turn thuer heads on us.

"Yes, your highness?" We both asked

"You may now leave. Queens talk," Mother said and smiled, "Kaithlyn, you go to your room. You need to finished what yiu started."

"Yes, mother." I answered and we both went upstairs.

"Oh Kaithlyn, you don't need to do what your mother tells you." She said

"Hannah!" I groaned

"Oh sorry, we have different mothers. Now I get it," She sarcastically said

"I'm going to do what my mother tolds me. I know my mom only thinks the good for me but maybe your mom thinks differ. I'm sorry about that,"

"It's okay. I understand, your highness. So, we'll separate ways then." She smiled

It was a fake smile. She's a bit disappointed you know.

"Yeah," I replied in a low voice

She nodded and left.

The Heiress Of The White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now