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Early in the morning. I finished my breakfast and go to my class with Mr. White or Grandpa White.

"How was it?" He asked

"What?" I asked with confusion

"You mean you forgot?" He asked raising one of his eyebrows.

"Oh, yesterday? Uh, yes it was fun." I gladly answered with a grin

"I see it is. I should probably tell your mom if you wouldn't participate in this class, your highness." He said calling me the highness thing.

"Grandpa," I groaned

"Let me tell you this Kaithlyn, I'm not satisfied with whatever your doing. Specially in this, your supposed to be doing things to yourself not hanging out with some 'new friends'. Your not improving, don't you know?" He said and frowned

"Now, I know." I muttered

"Kaithyln, if you wouldn't participate and control yourself I'll have to tell your mom about everything your doing at night. Get it?"

"Grandpa, okay. Let's have a deal, if I do everything you asked for everything will turn out to be okay. Forget everything you saw, and I'll do everything you want. Just don't tell her and forget everything,"

"If you can," He said making a wicked smile

"Yes I can!" I said and deeply exhaled.

"Good, let's start then. Now, I found a weakness of yours." He laughed

"Grandpa," I called and continued, "Let's move on and start okay?"

"Okay, our lesson first is how to know that a person is lying. Still your not improving about your senses,"

"Yeah, stop scolding me." I chuckled

"You can sense that a person is lying through his or her eyes," He said

Yes, I have that power. High ranks wolves have this senses. Low wolves are not good at this and how to use it.

"So what happens when your lying?" I asked

"Thier eyes will turn different. His or her pupil will become darker and a little bit larger than a normal eye." He answered

"But what if it isn't happening? His or her eyes can't be like this or like that?" I asked

"Good point. I really liked your questions huh. Your mind is very genuis."

"Not so," I replied

"Your question is already readied in my mind. I knew you would ask that. Well, that kind of person really knows how to lie. A very good lier."

"Then what shall I do about it?" I asked

"Listen to his or her heart. That's the second sense you'll use." He answered

Like what?! Listen?


Really, curiousity kills.

"You can use your ears," He said sarcastically

"Right," I snapped

"Or touch his or her chest to feel the beat of his heart." He said

"Then?" I asked raising one of my brows

"You can feel if his lying or not. You can hear if his lying or not. You know, cause your an alpha Kaithyln. Well, I never experienced that. So, I don't know."

"Grandpa, so it means it was just a theory of yours?" And crossed my arms

"No, not likely. Our ancestors used that too so it may not be a theory." He said

"Oh gosh," I said and smiled

"Let's start. I'll say a statement and tell me if I'm lying," He said and I nodded. "Let's start, I am a chief when I was just a kid."

"Your lying," I answered

"Why?" He asked

"I didn't used my senses but I used my common sense. How can you be a chief when your just a young child." I grinned

"Smart kid," He continued, "My parents was killed by the first war trying to save me."

I don't know. I'm speechless, like really?

"You're lying," I answered

"Wrong, my parents died because of that."

"I'm sorry," I apologized

"No sorries. You have a one wrong, next. I was born on the first war of the white wolves and the red,"

"True!" I said

"Wrong, I was already born. I'm six that time and red wolves are all over me when my parents saved me."

My heart was broken.

"Two wrongs Kaithlyn. Don't let me punish you,"


"Yes, there is a punishment."

"You're lying," I said

"Why am I lying about punishing you?"

"You may be a good liar but your heart beats so fast unlike a normal heart,"

"Very good,"

"Besides grandpa you loved me so much. Why would you wanted me seeing in a pain? Ha, ha, ha." I said

"Next, I was in love by a woman but she doesn't love me."

"You're lying. Your eyes are laughing, you haven't loved a woman since your first love died because of sickness that time."

"Well then. Improve it more," He said

"I have a question. Your stories are terrible. So much in death, are you alright about that? Maybe if I was you I'm already in depression."

"Kaithlyn, that accidents and tragedies made me who I am. A strong man with dignity. And you must be like me. Strong with a heart. You must be ready whatever happens, we don't know maybe something will happen."

"You're right," I replied

"Your doing good for today. Is that person you always met makes you inspire?" He asked

"Huh?" I smiled, "Maybe?"

"Kaithlyn, don't make your inpiration be only in that person. Sometimes they give us dispirtaion. You inpire yourself and a little bit of others that will inspire you."

"You're bitter," I whispered at him and he chuckled

"I'm not," He answered

His not lying. "I have another question. Why do you want me to call you grandpa? Your too young hmm?"

"Still I'm in my 30's or whatever. Also, I'm getting older without a wife beside me. Sooner I'll become an old guy without someone hmm." He answered

"Your not lying but what if mom will tell me not to call you grandpa?"

"Follow her, she's your mother though but I really like and appreciate it when call me grandpa. I think I'm an old man now," He sadly said

"It's okay," I said and hugged him tight.

"You call me grandpa but still I'm masculine right?"


"Okay. Let's just change grandpa into Uncle," He said

"Alright Uncle,"

"Well, it sounded okay still right?"

"Yup, perfect for your physical appearance." I said while grinning.

I gave him a high five. Aw! This was a touching story.

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