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•Third Person's POV•

Everyone is ready for the war. This would be a tough war. Argh! I hate to watch this scene.

"The war just started. White and red will meet in the open field. Then, everyone will be dead. Fight for your lives!" Hannah proclaimed to her people

"Fight for our lives!" The battalion shouted with authority.

But at the back of their shout is fear. Fear to be dead and fear to fail. To regret and feel hopeless in the end. Families, relatives, friends and younglings will never be seen if they'll be dead. The time of death!

In the other side..

"Our people! We fight, protect our clan. If we will die at least we tried to protect our fellow wolves. Together we stand, together we fight for our kingdom!"

"Together!" Everyone screamed

Even death would tore them apart at least they fought for the Kingdom. They fought for thier love ones, for thier relatives and for those people, wolves around them. For Freedom! They fight.

•Kaithlyn's POV•

I was trained. We actually saw those burned men and woman at the foot of the north mountain. What a shame to those peoplr who burned them.

It's been months and I know the war started. And I know that everything will be bloody. I am now a professional wolf. Who knows how to use my powers.

I stand for my people, for my fellow wolves and to stop this war between the red and the white. I stand like a metal, my ability is just so fast. Posture, looks, clothes and I'm defined as a diamond.

Hard, brilliance, value and indestructible. I am changed for my people. See me in the hell, witches! Your going down when you see me.

"Are you ready my child?" Dad asked

"Oh sure." I answered

•Xander's POV•

We're already here in the battle field. This will be the end I guess. See, death will be my end. Broken and dead.

"For the kingdom!" Everyone screamed

And everyone was fighting till the end. Roars, aches and shouts are all over.

The clouds darken and we saw a woman standing in with two men and its people. Everyone stopped fighting when she walked in.

"Kaithlyn!" Stella shouted

"Kaithlyn?" The Queen of the White clan asked

"What a wonderful time, isn't it?" Kaithlyn asked

I thought she's dead. She snapped her finger and the queen was arrested.

"Welcome back my cousin." Hannah greeted her

"Father?" I asked but he didn't turned head on me.

What's going on. "What's going on, my child?" A man asked her, "Kill everyone dear."

"Very well, I know you can read spells." Kaithlyn's aunt said

All this time? She was one of them? I don't understand.

"Kaithlyn!" Stella said and want to hug her but just a word, Stella was thrown away.

H-how come she's this strong? "Stop the war, the white clan won. She's never one of you now. The red clan king is already spelled and doesn't know you." The man said

"Well done, Hermes." Kaithlyn's Aunt said

"Kaithlyn's father is dead!" Queen Ailen said-- Kaithlyn's mother.

"I know, I tricked Kaithlyn. I also tricked the red clan king that I was Kaithlyn's father and he believed it too. Everything went out to be perfect. I lied to her and she's with us. She's spelled I guess," Hermes said

"Oh, great. Witches are here!" Jade said-- one of our maid

"Yeah! Everything is planned. How foolish of Kaithlyn. No spell can undo everything people." Romina said

"Now I understand!" Delia shouted, "You went near to Kaithlyn. Kaithlyn knew everything about the past and acted you hated her when everyone thought she stabbed Xander. You made the ghosts, I know because she keeps telling that in her sleep. Every night your not in the bedroom but outside. When Kaithlyn was gone, you all was behind all of this."

"Argh!" I shouted with anger and turned into a wolf and attacked on them but Kaithlyn was so strong that just a snap of her finger I felt a force dragging me away.

•Third Person's POV•

There's no war but everyone needs an explaination.

"Everything was planned. I know my cousin has this soft hearted style. Everyone liked her but she's just too foolish to believe everyone. The Queen Ailen is out of this, she's the real mother of Kaithlyn." Hermes said, "I lied to her that Queen Ailen is a witch and she believed that. So stupid, isn't it? Slave them all. No one will save them now."

"We turned her into a perfect and a cold hearted woman." Romina smiled

"You turned her into a monster!" Queen Ailen cried

"Shut up or else I'll kill you." Kaithlyn warned her.

"Sweetheart, you can't do that." Queen Ailen said and we both was grabbed by Kaithlyn's guard.

Kaithlyn slapped her own mother and Hermes whom lied that he was Kaithlyn's father just slapped her. "I need to rest, I'm stress. I need all the gems in my table now!" Kaithlyn said and returned into the Kingdom.

"Oh great! I love her now." Jade and Romina smiled and follwed her..

"Make them work, the queen wanted the gems in her table." Hermes said

"Kaithlyn!" Gregory and Mr. White cried with tears in their faces..

"There's nothing we can do." Delia sadly said

"I don't want to see my daughter in pain." Queen Ailen said

"My husband is spelled," Mother said and cried

Everything was just too fast and almost everyone didn't understand. Yes, the war stopped but hell is here. Kaithlyn is just changed and everything was different. Darkness was just all over. The white clan won and will slave everyone.

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