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•Xander's POV•

"Delia explain this to me." I said while working finding all thise gems.

"First, Hannah, Kaithlyn's cousin tricked her going out in the open field as if they hated her so much and lied. Next, you kidnapped her because you know that she's the heiress and it was already in the witch's plan and you have no idea about it and there the witch took advantage. When she's in the Kingdom of ours, she finds out everything about the history and that happened. Jade and Romina kidnapped her and brought to their kingdom. Fourth, your father was tricked since Hermes lied that he was Kaithlyn's father. Maybe, on the time of the first war they collapsed but Kaithlyn's father was dead but when King Roland, your father woke up he saw Hermes. Hermes acted as if he was the King and when Kaithlyn arrived, that started. The witch lied that Kaithlyn's father was alived but in fact it was dead. They escaped in the spelled bars and went to north mountain where wolves were spelled too the witch knew about it and put two men and a burned woman, we thought it was her but it's not. Because of Kaithlyn's pure heart she was tricked by Hermes also your father. Kaithlyn maybe in pain, broken hearted and suffered and now she's here hurting everyone. Everything was planned by the witches. We cannot survive in here," Delia explained

Now I understand. Everything was planned. We are baits for this witches! How foolish am I!

Stella's crying in too much pain. She was like Kaithlyn's mother. Still Kaithlyn's hand marked in her mother's face. Gregory and other fellow people are crying. They'll be dead if they don't work. I can see all people are suffering.

Blood, sweat and tears. Their heart is broken into pieces. It was stabbed with thorns. Such a hard life for them. Welcome, hell. Show us the light.

"It was my fault." Stella cried

"Can you please stop blaming yourself honey? Your making me in pain." Andrew said tears fell in his eyes and left my sister..

"I cannot do this anymore." My mother cried and left also..

"Work!" Someone shouted. It was Hermes

"Mr. White! The Queen commanded that you'll be in charged in cooking. Hurry she's hungry, you don't want to see her like a devil!" Jade said and laughed

Mr. White was in hurry. "You! Assist Mr. White." Romina pointed and I followed.

We brought a food in the queen's table and she tasted it. I missed her so much, her smile but now she doesn't smile. How painful.

"It sucks!" She said and threw the food away..

I heard Kaithlyn's Aunt laughed. "If you don't cook it properly, I'll cook you!" Kaithlyn shouted at us and I just looked at her eyes..

There's something..

"You don't want to see us in pain, I know." I suddenly said

"Tsk, me?" She said and brows raised. She made a spell and I was thrown away.

*bogsh* the wall broke. Uh! Painful.

"Dismissed!" She said and we both left..

"Next time, dude. Don't let the queen get angry. She's wilder than anyone else in here." Kaithlyn's Aunt said while laughing..

I won't give up on you Kaithlyn. I will do everything so that you'd come back. I'm sorry for everything I did. I'm so dumb at all. I thought you hated me yet you loved me. I loved you since we first met but I don't want it to show it off.

In the middle of the night. I sneaked out to his room. She was looking away from her balcony.

"Kaithlyn," I whispered and she turned her back.

"Guards!" She shouted..

"Hush," I said

"Who are you? How dare you enter my room! Hermes!" She screamed and Hermes entered

"Your highness?" Hermes said and looked at me angrily..

"Put this man in the bars. He entered my room without any pernission. Discipline him! Right now!" She shouted and Hermes dargged me away..

"Sorry dude, but you cannot undo it." Hermes smiled evily and out me in bars.

Goodness! I kicked the bars as hard as I can. She really is changed.

The Heiress Of The White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now