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•Kaithlyn's POV•

I felt okay, I felt alive and alert. Where am I? Oh in Xander's room. I opened the door to his office. There's only one door here like duh!

"Kaithlyn," Someone said and saw Stella talking to his brother.

"Oh Goodness, Stella I can explain." I replied and saw Xander in his wicked smile

"Good afternoon," He mouthed

I rolled my eyes at him. "No, it's fine even if something hapoened tot he both of you."

"What?" I asked, "Y-you wanted us... wait do you want us to..Xander!" I exclaimed

"How are you?" She asked, "I've missed you. Did Xander hurt you, very much?"

"Uh, we're not that close." I replied

"Not that close? After what happen? I thought you'll be my sisyer in law and I was very glad but Xander explained it to me. And it was disappointing,"

"I'm sorry but I was eating wine cookies. I was thinking that its morning to clean the bedroom then it turned up I was thinking it was the maid's bedroom." I apologized

"Oh no, it's okay." Stella smiled looking at me up and down.

"Oh," I said and turned around.

"It's okay. You look nice and I'm very open minded about it. I sometimes wore my husbands clothes." Stella said to me and made a grinned

"I'm very sorry Stella. I'm...speechless with your kindness," I said

"You apologized too much, Kaithlyn." Xander said

"Are we talking to you?" I sarcastically asked him and he smirked

"Oh cool down, love birds." Stella remarked

"We're not love birds." I said

"So, how are you feeling?" Xander asked and my emotions softened.

"F-fine." I replied, "Can I leave you two? I need to be dressed up. I have a lot of things to clean."

"Okay," Stella replied

I was cleaning AGAIN in the library. I guess cleaning the library is always my chore.

I read again the book. I continued reading it.

When you read this. You can't tell it to anyone or else death will come to you. This is a secret always hidden by me and you. The history between the white and the red wolves. It was terrible, your heart will be torn into pieces.

It's just because of that girl. Go, and search for that. She maybe the reason why the relationship of the white wolf and the red. But a prophecy-- a prophecy will come. The girl who will save the white wolf from the red ones. She's just watching you. ALWAYS.

"Kaithlyn!" I heard a voice outside the library and didn't continue reading the book and put it back in the shelves.

I went out to see Gregory. The queen's right hand.m and speaker.

"Gregory!" I exclaimed and I felt fear remembering the words in the history. Is that book cursed?

"There you are," Gregory said when he saw me outside the library. "Are you done cleaning the library?"

"Yes, I was finished already." I replied

"Oh good. That's all, thank you. The queen will go here in the library to read books," He said and left

Gregory seemed different. Is he the one who is writtenin the book? Or maybe his pretending? Witches or witchcrafts makes potions to change themselves.

This is getting creepy. Why did I read that stupid book? Oh Kaithlyn, you're such a fool and an idiot. Now I know, curiousity kills!

I exhaled deeply. My mind is blowing with many thoughts. I should probably tell it to anyone.

No! I'll die. Oh goodness, it was just a book. A book can't kill me. But, it's a bad idea to tell it. You were already warned, Kaithlyn. Don't ever do it. You'll regret it.

But I can't handle this anymore. Fear for myself and fear to everyone. What if I know who was the person behind all of this? Then he'll kill me or she'll kill me. You need a trusted person, Kaithlyn. You need it.

I saw Gregory talking to Xander. I saw Romina and Jade putting the curtains on. I think Delia was downstairs washing the dishes. Stella is with his husband Andrew. They're in the second floor balcony. Well, I'm in the second floor too.

Whom should I trust? Damn this trust thingy. I'm not sure about Delia, Jade and Romina. I've just met them and I don't know maybe they're like my cousin Hannah who is a traitor.

"Gosh," I mutter and sighed.

Tell them! Tell them! Goodness, I'm going crazy. My heart beats fast, palpitates so fast. How can I do this?

Breathe Kaithlyn.

"Your highness," I said

For Pete's sake? Why did I even go to Xander and Gregory? Your so stupid Kaithlyn. His your enemy and cannot be trusted.

"Kaithlyn, we're talking. Can't you have any respect? It's private and important." Gregory said

But Xander gave him a stop sign. "What?" He asked and looked at me seriously.

Am I pale?

"Can w-we talk p-privately?" I stammered

Argh! Kaithlyn speak fluently can you?

"You don't have any respect to the prince. And you can't just talk to him as easy as one click!" Gregory angrily said to me raising his brows.

"Enough, Gregory. This maybe important." Xander said protecting me at Gregory with an angry expression. "Let's go, Kaithlyn."

We both went to his office and I was confident to tell him and relaxed. He closed the door to his office and looked at me.

"What's the matter?" He asked like he was worried.

"I-I don't know where to start. I'm confused a-and scared about it. I-I don't want to tell it but my mind was fighting." I said and I wasn't calm anymore. I talked like in a hurry.

"Kaithlyn, calm down. Tell me what are you saying?"

"About the history between the white and the red wol--" I didn't continue when he covered my mouth by his hands.

"Sush," He whispered, "Lower down your voice."

"No Xander. It was telling me not to tell it to anyone and I don't know. I'm scared and I don't even know why I read it. I don't know why it was hidden? I don't even know why?" I said and don't know what to do.

"Listen," He said and held my shoulders, "Nobody must know about it. It'll be just between you and me, Kaithlyn. Kaithlyn, do you understand?"

"Why? Why must it be hidden?" I asked, "Who was the author? Is it true?"

I have lots of question. "I know you have plenty of questions but I can't believe you read it too. I mean, nobody can read it and you found it. My mother keeps telling me about that book and it was never spoken."

"Did your mom told you?" I asked

"No, she just mentioned the book. And I have a common sense and I realized it was the history. She told me if you found nobody must know about it. Why? Cause your life is in danger. Always," He said in a creep.

"What should I do? I'm doomed, Xander. That book must be cursed, it's cursed!" I cried

"Kaithlyn, it'll be okay." He said and hugged me

I really cried with tears because of fear. Now, I live between death and life. 50/50 for short. I can't imagine this, it's just hallucinations and imaginations right? No, no, no!


💛💜💚💙 I really loved emoji and other type of sticker. ☺☺☺

Sorry about that. Please go ahead, I was just trying it. 🏁

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