Agent Ez

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I'm so new to this like you wouldn't believe, sure I've read loads on this site. But writing here? Hell, no. I know this is short but just tell me what you think.


A tape recording recovered by the Ministry Of Defence on Friday the 15th of June 2012 at 1500 hours in the remains of the Estaire Estate.


A door creaks open, feet scuff the ground, gravel crunches.

A door is shut.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"…testing, testing, does this thing even work? I guess, it’s my only hope."

A girl sighs.

"My name is Esmeralda Adams, I am fifteen years old and student of the Twinsbough Talent Academy. Agent Identification Number: 62678. I was placed on an operation alone. I have no idea where I am, but whoever’s listening to this, you need to do exactly as I say.

"Firstly, take this to the Fish and Chip shop In Trafalgar Square, you can’t miss it, it’s the only one there. Don’t tell anyone what you’ve found – this information is dangerous. Just go to the shop and tell them you’d like to order something off menu. They’ll make you wait. They always do."

"Someone- I have no idea who- will come to you. They’ll be wearing something red and yellow – it can be anything in any shape or form. It could be a even business card. Don’t talk to them, just hand this tape over to them.  Try to give as little personal information as possible. Don’t even say your name. Change your appearance if you can.

 "After you’ve given them this: Leave. Lie low for a while. It’s in your best interest to forget that shop and forget what you’re about to hear. I don’t have a lot of time. He’s on to me now, so here goes…"

Her voice is drowned out by static.

"….I didn’t realise until it was too late…"

In the distance someone is shouting, they are too far to hear clearly.

"…I have no idea if I’m going to get out of this alive…"

The shouting becomes louder.

‘IIII've found you.’ A man yells as the door opens.


There is a struggle. The tape recorder falls to the ground. The man’s voice is moving away....

...the girl cannot be heard.

Agent EzWhere stories live. Discover now