The fallen [2]

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The akatsuki receive new information on the S-ranked criminal known as the fallen

"Any more information on the fallen?"

Pein's voice breaks the deafening silence.

"None fucking here, the bitch is practically a ghost!" A silver haired Jashinist exclaims.

"S-senpai what is hidan-sama talking about?!
T-tobi don't like ghosts senpai!?" The man child as usual attaches himself to the blond bombers arm.

"T-Tobi!! Get the hell off me un!"

"Brat control your pet."


"I could be counting money right now."

Itachi mentally sighed at the immaturity of his colleagues. He caught their leader pinching the bridge of his nose, a habit he noticed he often did when he was annoyed with the criminals.

"Enough." Pein says with authority making the whole room go silent. His eyes shift to the Itachi in expectancy urging the Uchiha to give his report.

"We have found no traces or information on the fallen. It's as hidan said she's practically a ghost." Itachi states.

Pein's eyes narrow in displeasure.
"Have you encountered her again?"

Itachi tensed at his question but nodded his head none the less. Apart of him wanted to keep the secret meeting with the arc angel of criminals to himself. He couldn't explain why he felt the innate need to hide the meeting.

Recently, him and Kisame had a mission that went sideways. They had already severely injured and being followed by anbu and Itachi has chose to be the one to lure the group away as Kisame fled to get back up.

Itachi leaned against a tree panting heavily, putting pressure on a wound in his abdomen he had attained. He had chosen to stay behind and lead the enemy away whilst his partner fled to get backup.

"Well well, if it isn't the clan killer, Itachi Uchiha."

He tensed, feeling several chakra signatures surround him. The onyx eyes Uchiha internally cursed himself for stopping but his adrenaline was running low. He eyed the masked anbu surrounding him, not giving away how cautious he was.

'Leaf Anbu...' He thought in dismay at his luck.

Itachi barely had any chakra left and if he used tsukuyomi, he'd surely pass out from chakra depletion. One of the Anbu steps forward most likely the leader with a smug aura unsheathing his blade.

"We were ordered to bring you in."

Itachi said nothing. Standing up straight, He continued to apply pressure to his wound underneath his cloak.

"Nothing to say huh? That's fine ." A snicker follows after.

The anbu makes a hand motion and the elder Uchiha is suddenly shoved downward to his knees, arms forced behind his back.
Itachi mentally scowled at the predicament he had put himself in. Kisame was on his way with Kakazu and hidan but they wouldn't make it here in time. At this rate, he'd be forced to kill the anbu.

He would have to resort to using his tsukuyomi and even then there was no guarantee they'd all be caught in it.
The Uchiha watched as the anbu leader took a step in front of his kneeling form and He heated the hiss of a blade being raised.

"Tsunade-sama didn't say whether we had to bring you in alive."

Itachi stiffened as his head snaps up, Sharingan blazing but his mouth parted in shock as the blade was frozen midair. It wasn't the only thing frozen midair as he couldn't feel the wind blowing either. It was silent. He had to blink just to make sure, his eyes weren't deceiving him. Soon as he opened them all the anbus all laid motionlessly on the ground.

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