Selfish love [54]

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Basically Tenshi stops Naruto and Sasuke fro getting both their arms blown off sacrificing her ability to use chakra in her hands/arms meaning no jutsu and no being able to see people's times unless she or they touch her somewhere else. Knocking sense into the boys she has a sentimental moment with the two expressing how she cared for the both of them deeply. Sakura arrives with Kakashi and now team 7 is genuinely reunited.
"They're back...


Once the two dunderheads had lifted the jutsu everyone was released from the tree.
The war was over...

We had won.

"Oi Tenshi un!?"

My brows raise as 4 akatsuki members drop down in front of me, looks of anger on their face. Sasori steps forward shaking me back and forth by my collar with saucer eyes.

"The hell brat, you can't just take off like that in your condition, and what happened to your Hands!" The red head scowls as I scratch the back of my head sheepishly.
"Don't smother her now Sasori." Kakazu remarks shaking his head as he raises my burned hand with his stitches, analyzing my the damage.

My eyes narrowed as a bunch of nin with the exception of those who The four aided in battle look at us all in distrust. The kage appear before us a second later, making me inch my self slightly in front of the four members.

"Tenshi, why are they here...".Tsunades eyes narrow murderously as the ex members each stiffen in defense as people began to surround us. Gaara glares in hatred at the artist duo along with the Raikage. Ōnoki stares at Deidara in deep thought a frown on his face. The five kage had less of a quarrel with Tenshi as she was the one whom healed them after their failure to seal madara but the others...

"They're with me. I can vouch for them."

"We've already talked about this Tenshi nothing you say ca-"

"I know words can not makeup for the things they have done but take a look around you!"
She glances at the silent people around us in confusion.

"If it weren't for them some of these people standing here now wouldn't even be alive! Yes they've done bad things but..."

"They're not completely bad people! I mean they're here now aren't they!?"

Everyone's eyes widen at the determination in the young girls eyes.

"We were pawns all along." Sasori spoke with a downcast look a frown on his face.

"It's as she said words can't make up for what we've done but what we do from now will un!"

"That's if they fucking let us live..." Hidan murmurs with a sweatdrop earning an elbow in the side from Kakazu. The albino sighs a stern look settling on his face. Walking forward he gets in his knees exposing the back of his neck.

"Look I don't regret doing what I did."

Shouts of anger sound as I go to yank Hidan up.

The hell was the idiot trying to get killed again!

"I don't regret what I did because if I hadn't done it I wouldn't be right here right now on my fucking knees."

Tsunades eyes widen at the expression on the criminals face as he looks back at Tenshi and his fellow ex members with a soft grin.

"Kill me again if you want But I don't regret it because I would've never met these assholes and I would've never gotten my shit together because of Tenshi."

Hidans eyes widen as Kakazu kneels on his knees next to him bowing his head.
"The h-"

"If you're gonna kill the idiot you might as well take me too because I don't regret it either.

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