Losing control [22]

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Recap :
Tenshi and Itachi fight the orochi teaming together and take it down but their strategy ends up failing as the orochi regenerates. Itachi sacrifices himself to save Tenshi giving the queen the chance to feed on tenshis rage.

Itachi didn't know what was happening the last thing he could remember was Tenshi, the orochi...how he had used the body replacement jutsu last second to protect her. He didn't know why he did it but it was as if his body moved on its own.

His eyes felt heavy and his stomach felt numb.
Am I dead? He thought.

No. He wasn't dead yet, he could hear the sounds of commotion going on in the background. He cursed mentally at his weakness in the moment, the orochi was still alive. There was no way she'd be able to handle it alone. They had underestimated the beast and now here he was at deaths doorstep.

What would his younger brother do if word got out. He would surely come after Tenshi.
Damn it... He let out another mental curse.
Why the hell did he save her...

Gathering his energy, he forced his eyes open wincing at the stinging pain in his stomach. He almost lurched forward in a fit of coughs but was held down by a forceful yet gentle weight.
His charcoal eyes found glowing green reptilian ones and if it weren't for the fact that Tenshi was known to have dragon summonings, Itachi wouldve nearly had a heart attack.

"I see you are awake human? I am Iyashi, a support dragon." The dragon exclaimed with a satisfied nod of his head. Itachi stays silent shifting his eyes to the weight that was holding him down. It was a glowing lion like tail that belonged to the dragon hovering above him. The dragon was a white with an emerald mane. It had 2 horns on its head and even whiskers that resembles a cat fish.

"What happened" Itachi croaked With a raspy voice, unaware of the girl he had risked his life for alittle ways from them.

Iyashi tensed up at the Uchiha's question, his reptilian eyes flickering warily in the direction of his summoner. She and the orochi were at a standoff and it seemed the beast grew cautious of the girl as well. That's not her. The dragon thought with worry.

"I assume you did something to set her off." The dragon answered lowly.

Itachis eyes narrowed but widened at who the dragon was referring to. He turned his head swiftly and his breath hitched. "Tenshi." He mumbled.

Her usual tied up warm white hair was now flowing down but it was a glowing white with fiery hues surrounding the length. Her arms had scorching black marks extending all over the visible parts of her body that was surrounded by a wild  blaze of chakra that resembled fire. The fire was different from her usual fire, it was golden and he could feel the heat from the flames despite their distance.
Pushing the tail of the dragon off him, Itachi warily stands up with a grunt his sharingan activated in analysis.

"What...What is she...?" He asked.

The crow haired uchiha had so many questions and this certainly was now at the top of his list.
"I am unable to share that answer."

The dragon states calmly with a conflicted expression taking a pouncing stance beside him, his reptilian eyes zoning in on...Tenshi.
"What can you tell me!" Itachi snapped back  with a small scowl.

He had had enough of the riddles and unstraight answers. Sure he had his secrets but Tenshi made his seem like white lies in comparison. His interest in her was now peaked and he felt more worry than Curiousity at the strange state she was in. Her skin looked to be practically burning off at the moment and he couldn't at least receive an answer as to why.

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