The hanging tree [48]

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Tenshi reluctantly talks with Sasori and Deidara and the rest of the summonings about the upcoming war forbidding her summonings from coming to their aid when they leave for it but they protest. Before Tenshi could argue the subject further she blacks out going back in time to the second war era meeting three war orphans.

|2 month Time skip|

A lone figure shoots through the forest their breathing heavy as their cloaked whipped behind them wildly. Breaking out of the trees focusing chakra to their feet, they sprinted across the water the rain that used to smash against waters now non existent as the sun looked over the city. Jumping up on the docks, the figure sprints up one of the many sky scrapers in the city. Finally on top of the building, their reptilian like eyes courtesy of the sage jutsu scan the city.

They had been searching for the last remaining members for the past 2 months and had finally pinpointed their locations. Closing their eyes in concentration they shoot open at the faint familiar chakra signature a few miles away.
Taking out a marked Kunai the figure chakra throws the kunai in a specific direction, using a forbidden teleportation jutsu to flash to the place of the kunai as it continued flying over another huge lake.

Dropping down onto the water using chakra to not fall through, the figure falters at the lone body floating in the water. A bloodied origami flower driftstowards the figures foot. She had been to late...

"No no no" the figure mumbled in despair, their heart quenching the closer they got. Falling to their knees in front of the dying woman, they cradle the woman's head their form trembling at the images of the battle that took place before hand at contact.

"C-can you sing for sleep.." A voice croaks. The figure eyes becoming glassy at the small bloodied smile on the older woman's face.

"A-any requests..?" The figure whispers  gripping the woman's body closer as tears slid down her cheeks suppressing the pained gasp that threatened to rise. The wind blows the hood off the figure, her white hair cascading.

"The only one..."

Clenching their teeth, the white haired woman closed her eyes unable to stop the tears that now streamed down her face in waterfalls.

"Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where they strung up a man they say murdered three.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight in the hanging tree.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where the dead man called out for his love to flee.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight in the hanging tree.


Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where I told you to run, so we'd both be free.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight in the hanging tree."

The white woman's eyes widened as the dying woman in her arms reaches her hand up placing it on the younger girls face with a tender smile. However the white haired woman continued her voice cracking in anguish.

"Are you, are you
Coming to the t-tree..."

"I'm glad I met you again...Angel-sa..."

The younger girls finally lets out a silent cry gripping the older woman's lifeless hand to her cheek.

"I want you to know you won't be a prisoner here."

Kid...we were to late...Kisame is dead... Batto spoke through the link.

"Why..." I whispered in heartache.

"This is my pet Jaws!"

"When you said Jaws, I was thinking a shark or maybe even a Piranha but a fucking gold fish. It's so s-"

"Shhh don't say the S word. It hurts his feelings.

"Why am I always late..." and just like that...
A pained shout is released, her voice an echo as the heavens begun to rain down on her and the corpse that layed limply in her arms.

A lot once again had happened over the course of the months while me and the boys had still been MIA. For example, word had got out about the Akatsuki leader attacking my former village bringing everyone he had killed back to life dying in the process.

Danzō had been appointed Hokage in Tsunade whom was still bed riddens place.

Sasuke fighting the kage at the summit.

Madara aka Tobi declaring war to the nations.

Sasuke killing Danzō. Now the woman whom had became a second mother of sorts to me was dead in my arms. Another person whom I had cared about is fucking dead.
Everything was just turning to shit.

Everyone was dying.

And I couldn't do a damn thing about it.

| elsewhere POV|

Kabuto smirks as he slams his hand on the ground summoning multiple reanimations, the stone capsules protruding from the ground.

"First Kakazu, Hidan, and Nagato."

The stone doors to the caskets fall forward their bodies now visible to the two males.
Obitos eyes narrow as Kakazu and Hidans bodies crumble, a corpse of a sand shinobi replacing them.

"W-what the? B-but I made sure to get their bodies!" Kabuto blanches back in disbelief.

"That damn girl..." Obito murmurs, his sharingan eye blazing furiously under his mask.

"Kakazu and Hidan are dead. Killed by the 9 tails jinchuriki team."

The Uchiha clenches his fist in silent anger in remembrance of the fake sadness on her face.

"It is no matter, two missing won't change the outcome." The masked male huffs darkly as Kabuto continues to show their other chess pieces.

"Then former jinchuruki. Yugito the two tails, Yagura the three tails, Rōshi the four tails, Han the five tails, Utakata the six tails, and Fuu the seven tails."

Obito nods feeling a smirk etch on his face.

"And the former kage...The second Tsuchikage, The fourth Kazekage, and the third Raikage."
The 3 infamous kage looming in the coffins motionlessly.

"And explosive style gari of the hidden mist. Hanzō of the salamander, Lady Chiyo if the sand... And kimimaro of the kaguya clan...

Obito tunes out the obviously smug male a grin settling on his face at the thought of indestructible powerful shinobi at his command along with 100000 zetsu. With these pawns in his aresenal he had no doubt that he'd succeed in bringing his superior back and  following through with his plan. The war had now begun and he'd soon be able to see her again...

"And that's not all..."

"Hmm" the uchiha male hums as the pale male forms a handsign, 2 more coffins portruding from the ground.

Obitos eyes narrow skeptically as the doors fall open, his eyes widening in disbelief at the two motionless bodies.

One being his superior that he had tooken the alias of and...

"Madara And..."
I kind of rushed into the war arc skipping the writing of some people deaths soley because that would prolong the book more and I know some of you are getting restless. I'm a admit I literally started crying making the first portion of this chapter because it was just so sad especially with what happened last chapter and I feel kind of Lowkey guilty for making Tenshi go through this. Can you figure out who the second person Kabuto summoned is 😭🤧

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