Saving Zombies [40]

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Tenshi and Amaterasu(the queen) have a heart to heart. Amaterasu has a flashback giving us a view into the original story of the jikans dragon slayer myth.


I jump through the trees hastily, feeling Kakazu and hidans chakra not to far off. Pein had sent me to check on hidan and Kakazu. Kakazu had reported through the rings needing assistance before his link cut off, all together making me grow worry. I click my tongue in distraught as Hidans chakra was visible but Kakazus was near damn extinct. If I didn't get to him in the next 35 seconds I would undoubtedly lose the miser. Activating my genkai, I use half of my chakra to pause time for...30 seconds which was the max limit.


'Hold on!'


I mumble the Devils speed jutsu, breaking the tree line as my eyes zoom in on Kakazus lifeless form




Sliding on the ground not caring that my knees are now scraped and bleeding I shot my hand forward my clock eyes spinning wildly as I mumble the healing incantation. It wouldn't be enough now to heal his chakra system but it would be enough to heal the damaged heart that was strangely in tact.

Must've gotten a 6th leftover one? I murmur.
Time now resumed, I sigh in relief as I feel the rhythmic beating of his or probably some other unfortunate souls heart.

"Got here in a nick of time." I lean back wiping the sweat that ran down my forehead panting heavily as my vision goes blurry from chakra drainage. I shake my head, smacking my face with both hands. This wasn't the time to go unconscious.

Could use some chakra here... I sweatdrop scratching the back of my head sheepishly.

I mentally cheer as the familiar golden chakra surrounds my body. Biting my thumb enough to draw blood, I slam my hand on the ground. My lips twitch at the lion like tail moving through the smoke.

"Iyashi at your service M'lady." I sweatdrop but shake my head pointing to Kakazus unconscious form.

"I need you to heal what you can. Stay here I'll be right back!"

I go to run into the forest again but am stopped by Iyashis serious tone.

"His chakra system is severely damaged including all of his points which are torn to shreds. He shouldn't even be alive now M'lady."

"Thats not what I said! Can you help him or not!" I say impatiently with a serious tone, glancing over my shoulder in the direction of the Nara woods.

His tail hovers above Kakazu before a jade green envelop the tail along with Kakazus body. I stare at the dragon intently as his green reptilian eyes glance up before grunting with a nod making my lips twitch into a grateful grin.
"Thanks Iyashi! I owe you one!"

"Should I add that along to the long list of other 'IOU's M'lady!'"He shouts at my retreating form, making me sweatdrop. Running past trees, my eyes widen as multiple deer were surrounding what I assumed to be where Hidan was. By the scorch marks and irregular placed rocks in the ground it's safe to say Hidan was ok, blown up and buried alive but ok.

I take a step toward the deer but halt with narrowed eyes as I'm suddenly surrounded by deer. Scanning the multiple deer, my eyes flit to a deer whom I assumed to be the leader. It strutted through the crowd of deer standing in front of me. Summoning some rope, I get in a defensive stance, eyeing my opponent carefully. "Sorry Shikamaru."

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