Game [4]

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Tenshi talks about the system
"This hell will finally end."

|3 days before the plan|



A firm grip suddenly takes hold of my chin making me tilt my head up to meet chilling blue eyes.

"Now now, I'm sure you don't want another broken rib now do you?"

I internally cringe at his closed eye expression. How his face screamed the opposite of his words... I keep my face void of emotion hiding the shitty feeling I felt.


I thought he would let me go but I tense in caution as he nuzzles into my neck.

"Ahhh Dollface, I cant wait!"

I feel my heart pound as he places butterfly kisses along my collar bone, his cold fingers fiddle with the torn ends of my shirt.
Before he had the chance to slip his hands underneath the fabric of my shirt, I immediately take a step back, hiding the disgust that threatened to take over at the older man. One of the other slaves had told me his real age and it made it even hard to hide the disgust I felt. He was around Kakashi's age.

I lower my head in expectancy awaiting for him to strike me for my resistance. On the outside he may seemed harmless and trustworthy but on the inside he was short tempered and cruel. He was a sadistic conniving bastard and I learned that the hard way when I let myself become his personal slave in fear of my old master.

"Feisty as usual?"

I kept my stoic gaze on the wooden floor of his office sensing him coming closer. Before I knew it I'm clasping his hands for air as I'm lifted up in the air by my throat.

"You know if I'd know any better I'd say you're practically begging for It. Out of all the others you are the first to ever defy me. To resist me...It's a real turn on ya know?" He teased.

My heart beat was now hammering against my chest as I fought the salty liquid threatening to erupt from my eyes. I'm not gonna give him the satisfaction. I grit my teeth as I feel him loosen his grip on my throat and lower my form back down so my feet touched the ground. He still had a stern hold on my throat though and he made sure I knew it as he pulled me closer to him, his breath fanning my ear.

"Kami you don't know how much... How long I've been waiting to taint that innocence you cling onto."

I stare emptily in front of me as he pushed me at arms length, his large hands cupping my face.

"In 3 days the bidders will come again. The bidding will take place after the ball, you are in high demand at the moment along with your little kitten." He smiled kindly.

My eyes widen slightly in worry at who he was referring to. Ami...I was hoping the bidders wouldn't pay much attention to her as she was still far to young but of course I should've known better. The bidders were a sick bunch and it made me burn in rage that some were of noble status in the legal shinobi world. The only reason Suko was still here was because she had unfortunately contracted a sexual disease from one of her bidders whom sexually assaulted her long ago. The man had blamed it on her and sent her back, leaving the scar on half of her face as a collateral. Fortunately Daiki didn't take that to kindly in the brutalizing of his merchandise by his clients.

It gave me great pleasure when he was an assigned target from Daiki and I got Suko the Justice She needed. As for Oba, no one ever bidded on her because of her age. Her along with suko remained in the factory as side servants to different masters like other victors who were never bought but were treated alittle better than the newbies.

"Your Target will most likely be a Earth lord as we have received word one will be bidding."
The land of earth huh? I shake off the locked away memories and nod in acceptance with a slight bow of my head as guards usher me back to my shared cell with Ami.

I pass a glare over my shoulder as the  rude guards shoved me into my cell  and  I take a seat on the cold stone ground next to Ami's curled up form against the wall. As if she were a moth and I were light, I feel her nuzzle into my thigh with a sigh. I look down at her small shivering  form with fond eyes as I place my pale hand on her knotted hair. I sigh in exhaustion as I look up at the dull ceiling.

I know you're wondering what Daiki meant by assigned targets and bidders. Well every 3 days a random selection of girls are thrown into the pit and pitted against eachother. A battle royale. Whoever conquers the match is a victor and if you dazzle the crowd enough you'll get bidders in the bidding which happens every week. It's a chance to get out of this hell hole but it's also a chance of escaping to something much worse.

I've been thrown into the pit many of times because of the multiple times I've volunteered in place for younger girls. You can only volunteer but 3 times for one girl. Being a victor had its perks but the cons outweighed it by a landslide. Victors usually tend to have lots of blood on there hands so you probably understand how much red I have on my card. Even if my intentions to volunteer were good, it still didn't erase the red on my card. It never would.

Where Daiki comes into play is that he's my master. If a girl peaks a masters interest the master can have claims over that girl and she'd become the masters personal servant but she can still be bought. What made Daiki a key in all of this was that he was the head of everything. He was the head of all the masters whom each had a specific task in different branches of the ST factory. Daiki has a lot of knats. People who he had no use for or simply needed out of the way and a lot of those people were bidders. When I would be bought, he would order me to take out those knats. I had no problem with doing that as the men I took out were scum anyways and gave me an advantage in taking down the system so the investment would drop. Out of all the personal servants with their masters, I was the only one who knew my master the longest as other personal servants get bought and can't return.

I the other hand, end up killing my new owner and coming back as a sign of loyalty to Daiki. Not to mention, I was the only one who could get close to Daiki let alone have the balls to steal from him. In his mind, he was the the king on the board and I was his queen. However, soon this queen would change the game.
Do you know what happened between Daiki and Tenshi? What's Tenshis plan? What can't Daiki wait for?Read more to find out.


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