Facing what happened [27]

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^i think this song and thumbnail go great with this chapter:')

Tenshi snoops through the uchiha compound, finds the ancient uchiha tablet In hopes of finding a solution to Itachis declining sight. She ends up officially letting herself see his memories going back to the night of the massacre.

"You truly are kind, Itachi."

I had left The deserted compound as soon as the sun hit the horizon. I now sat in the gutter of the hokages office with my legs dangling down to be seen through the large windows behind the desk where the old man once sat. I close my eyes and envisioned life if the massacre hadn't happened, if the old man hadn't died, If I hadn't destroyed my village....
If I hadn't been born...

So many people I cared about, I had let slip through my fingers. Was I nothing but a traitor and murderer to the people I once shared smiles and laughter with?

I'm broken out of thought as the window below me opens with a jolt. I looked down to share gazes with the fifth Hokage, Tsunade. She looked the same as before adorned in her green shawl that held her title as Godaime, over a grey kimono shirt and pants with her red heeled sandals. From her disgruntled expression, she must of came upon Izumo and kotetsus writhering forms who told her that a "visitor" had been lurking around.

I dropped from the gutter to land on the red tiled roofing in front of her window, stepping in as she heavily plomps in her chair behind her desk, stacked with papers, unfiled reports, and a few stray sake bottles.

"Guess some things never change." I comment with a small smirk earning  a grunt in irritation as she rubs her temple.

"I take it youre up to date with the threats on the village." She exhales opening her amber eyes. I flicked my hood off my eyes glancing to her right at the former hokages pictures  stacked side by side on the wall my eyes, lingering on each one carefully.

"I'm marked with the death penalty." I point out with narrowed eyes causing her to sigh in exasperation.

"You know I had no choice. After word got out about the chaos that ensued at slave trade factory, the council elders were on edge. You were instructed to take It down from the inside not dawdle about killing nobles, you even killed a fire lord! Do you know how deep you're in now Tenshi, almost every village wants your head on a silver platter."

"Do not scold me as if I don't know what the hell I've done these past years Tsunade. You have no idea what the hell i had to fucking go through in that factory and If you took the time to understand why i killed them we wouldn't be having this conversation now!" I snapped with anger. She stares at me in shock at my outburst as I usually kept myself calm and collected.

I take a deep intake of breath before summoning a huge stacked folder  tossing it atop of her desk with a glare.
Her eyes shift to the folder silently before opening the contents with wide eyes at the abundance of receipts with various girls pictures printed on each one.

"Those are receipts for the bidders. Wanna know where I found them at? In the filthy pockets and homes of countless slave holding nobles along with the enslaved girls to match. Whether it was an order to or not, I do not regret killing those low life scum you lot seem to prioritize. In fact, you're precious fire lord was a bidder whom bought me. I enjoyed ending his life as I'd do it over again if it meant freeing the numerous other girls he kept secretly captive like me for his own pleasure."

She stares at the files with wide eyes not believing the information I had just given her.
"I have my reasons for doing the shit I do so think about that next time before judging me like some delinquent, like I'm some fucking bad person."

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