People Like Us [34]

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Konan persuades pein into throwing a festival for the rain village which all the akatsuki must take part of. Tenshi gets drunk unexpectedly off her ass and almost ends up having a repeating of the past.
"Good luck."

Once the red head and blonde are out of sight my wrist is snatched harshly as the stranger examines the bruises on my wrist with a frown. "You Baka, How could you let yourself get into such a position, again." He hisses calmly with narrowed eyes. I snatch my wrist back in annoyance wondering who the hell this man was.

"I don't *hiccup* need you. I had it under control!" I snap back. So much for not letting a man save me, geez I was about to behead that guy if it weren't for this asshole.

"Do you have any idea what he was going to do to you had I not been there!" My eyes widen along with the blush on my cheeks as he tilts my head up. A deadly look overtakes his features at the hickey on my lower neck. Before I had the chance to respond, the stranger snatched my wrist once again and now pulled me through the still bustling streets.

Seeing a photographer on the side I tug on the males hand with chakra making him halt with an irritated sigh.

"Let's take *hiccup* a pictureee" I demand tugging the male to the side, quickly forming what I thought was a cute pose but in reality i probably looked idiotic. (Pic above) The flash of the camera goes off a second later, making me hum in content. I turn rigid at the delicious smell and sight of sweet scented dumplings on a stick not to far from us. Maybe I should grab some for Weasel-kun ...he never turns down a chance at dango...

"Looky *hiccup* dango! Let's-"

Cutting me off, he returns to snatching my wrist up and dragging me in the opposite direction of the tasty snack. Having enough of being dragged, I plant my feet into the ground comically making the male sweatdrop in silence.

"Look here you *hiccup* mr handsome stranger, I don't know who you think you a-LET ME DOWN THIS *hiccup* FUCKING INSTANT YOU CROW SHIT!" I shriek in anger as I'm thrown over his shoulder.

"Tenshi you're drunk."

"Like hell I am! *hiccup* and how do you fucking know my name! Was it jaws!? That fucking gold fish of Kisames can never keep his mouth shut! I'll fry him!"

Pounding on his back for another minute I fall silent, letting the mysterious stranger carry me wherever like a sack of potatoes. He chuckles at my lack of resistance making a scowl settle on my flushed face.

"Who knew you'd be like this when you were drunk. You're already a handful enough when you're sober. " He sighs.

"I'm not drunk-"
I'm suddenly lifted off with a yelp at the agile speed of the action, making me put my hand on my knee slightly. The contents of whatever the hell I ate during the day threatened to rise. Feeling familiar rubbing motions on my back, I swallow the contents down with a shutter, straightening up slowly. "Bakaa you just earned yourself a 10 second silent treatment!"

He sweatdrops and goes to say something but I hold 10 fingers up counting down slowly emphasizing I wasn't going to talk to him for 10 seconds.

"Did you know kangaroos have 3 vaginas" I cover my mouth with a giggle causing him to deadpan.

"That was 5 seconds."

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