A bloodless bond [53]

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Tenshi makes it to the main front seeing Kaguya the deity Amaterasu had told her about. However, once Tenshi lays eyes on the rabbit goddess, her eyes begin to burn as well as Kaguyas an effect of two deities meeting once again. Kaguya attacks Tenshi off guard in her pained state but Batto saves her in time. Unfortunately he ends up sacrificing his life in the process to which Tenshi handles the unstable version of the 10 Tails leaving Kaguya to her teammates. Amaterasu and Tenshi both defeat he unstable version causing the tailed beasts to separate. Tenshi and the remaining akatsuki have a little sentimental moment but Tenshi takes off causing the members to go into a frenzy.
" I'm not paying for any medical bills."


A onyx haired male sprints through the field at a fast pace. One of his eyes was now a pale gray, unable to see through it.
He had defeated Kabuto on his own entrapping the male in the uchihas forbidden jutsu, the izanami.  He was now on his way in search of two people. These two people were the weight that lied on each shoulder and until he set things straight with them, he couldn't move forward.

Itachi had heard that the people he was looking for had yet made an appearance on the field, but that was before communications had been wiped out. He had went to the East, west and Southern fronts in search of the people and the northern front which was the main front had to be the last place they would be.


"T-Tenshi, you're alright?!" Sakuras eyes widen. Kakashi looks silently at the white haired girl that lands before them looking like she just went to hell and back.
"Where are they..." I ask blankly knowing they knew whom I was talking about.

"Final valley..." Sakura answered silently her eyes saddening not going unnoticed by the Jikan.

I go to leave but halt at the sudden grip on my wrist. Looking over my shoulder, my eyes meet the charcoal ones of my ex guardian.

"...I-...be careful...Tenshi..."

My eyes widen slightly as he lets go of my wrist stepping back. Even though she was a traitor and still an enemy to the nations, the Hatake couldn't help but still care for her. He had tried so many times to make himself hate her. But he couldn't. He didn't know why she was suddenly helping them now but he wouldn't question it. She always had a reason for everything and he should've known that instead of judging her like everyone else.

He was a pitiful excuse for a sensei...

She jumps off without a word as the masked nin clenches his fist in internal pain, Sakura looking at him worriedly.

Sasuke leaps at Naruto, the Sound of 1000 Birds sounding through the air as Naruto flies toward him with a rasengan.

Sasuke leaps at Naruto, the Sound of 1000 Birds sounding through the air as Naruto flies toward him with a rasengan

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