Irony [24]

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Tenshi and Itachi along with the aid of sam the earth dragon defeat the orochi, claiming the kusanagi sword and ending the mission.

|6 months later |

I lay on my destroyed bed with a murderous aura whilst a laughing blond stood at the doorway to my room. As usual, his hair flipped over the right side of his face, covering his eye and the rest tied into a large half pony tail. A pony tail that I now craved to shove where the sun didn't shine.

"You're late for the mission briefing, un. Leader-Sama sent me to wake you. " He says between laughs before folding his arms, leaning against my doorframe cockily.

"Wake. Not blow me along with my bed the fuck up." I hiss with a calm voice, keeping my gaze on the burnt marks along with the human sized indent in the cave ceiling. I knew that if I took one look at the blonde twat, all resolve to not sadistically end his life would just go right out the window.

" Think of it as revenge for blowing my arm off un." He retorts with a satisfied smirk.

"LET IT GO!" I screech in anger completely done with his childish grudge; he'd been holding against me since the time of fucking Kami! This wasn't the first time he had pulled something like this and each time he gave the same excuse.

I flash in front of him aiming a burned fist at his smug face but scowl as he narrowly dodges it releasing a high pitched scream. Instead, my fist smashed against the doorframe his head had been leaning on, sending wood flying. I curse in annoyance as deidara hightailed ass down the maze of a hallway, sending a cackling grin over his shoulder.


Yanking splinters from my fist I walk out of my room slamming the door angrily. An irk mark forms as the door to my room cracks before falling off its hinges a second later. After a moment of silent rage, I close my eyes counting to 10.

"I can't. Literally I fucking can't."

"Foul language isn't becoming of a fucking bitch." Droned a white haired, half naked Hidan who walked passed me carelessly making sure to look my form up and down with a Pervy smirk.

My fist fist shoots out, nailing him in the throat causing him to wheeze hysterically. "Call me that word one more time."

I drawled back equally matching his shady tone. Recovering from me attack he lunged at me; my kekkei genkai flashing for a second. I smirk as I now had him on his stomach, the soles of my shoe into his angled back shoulder blade, making him groan in pain more then pleasure.

"Jashin smite you! Let go you B-owowowow beautiful specimen of an oqowowowo!" He begs animatedly remembering full well what happened last time he kept calling me a female dog. Nodding with a satisfied smirk, I let him go flashing away to the meeting room before he could attack me again.

As i had stated before,I sucked at directions and unfortunately no matter how much I tried I still got lost. I remember one time tobi forced all of us to play hide and go seek...long story short, no one saw me for a week.

Fortunately for me, the thunder god jutsu comes in handy a lot as I just placed tags all throughout the hideout so I don't have to walk anywhere. I knock on the door and enter after catching Pein's "come in." I glance over at the artist duo throwing a brief nod in greeting to sasori. After the mission with Itachi, Pein had confronted me about being the fallen in which I finally admitted. It was as clear as day that I was the fallen and had thought that maybe if I let them in on at least one thing they'd stop pestering me about other things. However, that immediately backfired as me admitting to being the fallen caused more questions; but I'd be lying if I said it didn't ease the weight off my shoulders.

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