Genkai sheet: Upgraded

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Here's a info sheet on Tenshis genkai you can look back on just in case you don't understand her genkai. Since it's been 3 years Tenshi has some new abilities with her genkai.

jikan no me: Controls time. There are 8 stages to here genkai, all of which are unlocked in random order depending on the situation. Much like the uchiha, it takes a certain amount of mental pressure or trauma to unlock a stage. Some stages are merely unlocked at a certain age. There are 5 seconds time intervals between activating stages.

8 stages
1)Slowing down time
2)Reversing time/healing
3)Pausing time
5)Going back in time
6)Taking time
7)Giving time
8) eye of time

8 stages1)Slowing down time 2)Reversing time/healing3)Pausing time 4)Genjutsu5)Going back in time6)Taking time7)Giving time 8) eye of time

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1) Slowing down time: slow down time
Current limit: 15 seconds
Max limit: 30 seconds


2)Reversing time/healing: She can't exactly reverse time it self but she can do it on simple things like inanimate objects or wounds it's like reverting it to its original fresh state. [unlocked]

Upgrade • Jikans secret art: Fates design- bring someone back from the verge of death (tangleds healing incantation)

3)Pausing time: stop time
Current limit: 30seconds
Max limit: 1 min

4)Genjutsu- able to make the person relive their worst deep fears and moments in time repeatedly. Although, if the victim has conquered those fears they are immune.

Upgrade •Memory Sweep: designed to wipe certain instances in time from targets memories or the targets entire memory.

Upgrade • Self reflection: similar to the uchihas izanami except unlike The izanami the victim would be trapped inside a blank space only able to do the thing they've been living their life's for up till now or what they want most in the world. It will be an infinite loop and the victim won't be able to leave till they have acknowledged the results of their actions, reevaluating their priorities and in doing so change their fate. The only downside about the jutsu is that she can't release it and only the victim can.


5)Going back in time: able to go back in time

At any random instance for a short period of time. The reason behind going back is to simple decide to change the fate of certain individuals who deserve it. She can not change the fate of an individual whom is already dead in current time.


6)Taking time: she is able to take the life span of any living being . However, the user can not activate it at will and it can only be activated in exchange for another life of value to the user under extreme conditions.

7)Giving time: Grants the user the ability to bring someone back within moments of their death. It sends the user to the time realm in which the user must locate the deceased under a certain amount of time. It is a forbidden stage that draws upon the life force and time of the own user. Jikan were gifted supernatural life forces that allow them to age slowly and live longer due to the bits of blood of the original holder of the eye coursing through them. If used, half the users life force is sacrificed and will age like any average human giving up their practical immortality. It's really only a one time deal and it's not supposed to be but as I said, the Jikan no me's original holder was not human and had a lot of time to spare.


8) eye of  time: she is able to show people a memory and able to see glimpses of ones past and future except her own by touching their forehead. Since she is like a guardian angel this helps her to decide if one deserves a second chance when she goes back in time. when it comes to seeing the future part she can only see glimpses of it depending on that persons path and even potential deaths. She can use the ability repeatedly on a person because as a person ages their fates change depending on their decisions.

Extra info

Users of the Jikan no me are assigned and connected to 1 specific individual, much like the original holder of the eye in ancient times.
This individual is usually someone who his worthy of times aid. Chosen get 24/7 protection from their Jikan which in most cases they're given the opportunity to cheat death or have their fates altered by a Jikan on more than one occasion.

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