Nothings changed [21]

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Tenshi and Itachi stumble upon the castle ruins of her fathers ancestors in which Tenshi explains the story of the relationship between her mother and fathers clan. They find the sword but it wasn't as easy as it seemed. Tenshi ends up resurrecting the mythed orochi.
"Bite me uchiha."

I pant lightly with a scowl, my Katana in hand as Itachi stood slightly behind me with a kunai. Due to my idiocy,  I had accidentally resurrected the mythed Orochi. Whoops...

"You just had to touch the sword." Itachi mutters with a deadpanned sigh.
I gain an irk mark keeping my gaze on
the huge purple beast clicking my tongue in annoyance.

"I couldn't help it! It's like something was compelling me to touch it."

I dodge one of the tails making sure to stab two daggers on each side slyly. The orochi looked that of a serpent but if  it weren't for the small set of wings on its back I would've thought it to be a hybrid summoning of Orochimaru. Thinking about the pedo sanin now makes a shiver of disgust run down my spine. Not the best time to be thinking about him Tenshi.

"So that's what happened...all this time, I thought Susano had killed him.."

My brows furrow in confusion has the queens words but I ignore it, eyeballing the beast.
The dragon sported 8 heads that we're all attached to a long body in a circular way, the top reminded me of the bottom of a octopus but instead of tentacles it was the 8 heads that surrounded a black abyss that I sure as hell didn't wanna find out where it lead to. It's long body had eyes scatters down its length making it extremely hard to catch the creature off guard the entire time we've been fighting this damn thing. This must be how it feels to fight Pein...I sweat drop dodging the jaws of one of the heads. If it weren't for my large chakra reserve, I would've been passed out from chakra depletion from reviving the damn thing.

I catch Itachi form handsigns out of the corner of my eye making me immediately form hand-signs as well.

Wind style: Wind dragon!

I spew Wind from my mouth as it takes the form of a serpentine dragon with a red mane. The dragon fuses together with Itachis infamous great fire ball jutsu forming a huge wind/fire dragon whose power rivaled that of my Dragons orb jutsu.

The combo smashes right into the orochi making the beast fall back with a roar.
Activating my genkai, I slow down time and shoot forward towards the now frozen form of the dragon with multipke kunai in hand.

15 seconds.

With agile speed I stab each dagger on each eye of its body, the kanji on them burning lightly.

5 seconds.

Flashing next to Itachi, I hold my hand out slightly in front of him with a determined expression. Time now resumed, I give the uchiha a side glance with a nod. Feeling the familar warmth of his hand encase my outstretched one I feel his chakra link to mine and run through my hand.

"Amaterasu... " he mutters.

The black fire runs down the string that I had slyly attached to each kunai. I smirk in satisfaction as the fire meets each target making the beast screech in pain. The snake was blind now as it had no eyes on neither of its heads and the eternal fire continued burning through the eyes on its body into its skin. Forming hand signs for the clone jutsu, I summon 7 clones alongside itachi who copies my action.

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