War begins [49]

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Konan dies in Tenshis arms the older woman now aware of who Tenshi was and why she was familiar to her and pein aka Nagato at first. The war has now begun and Kabuto shows Tobi aka Madara (not really Madara but I won't spoil who he is) the people being reanimated for the war as well as two trump cards being the real Madara Uchiha and...

"Madara and..."

The albino male heaves lightly the sadistic grin that once adorned his features dwindling into a small frown. He had been in the blank void for jashin knows how long and he hated to admit it but it was starting to annoy him.

Slashing another random down he frowns. He had tooken to calling the countless number of people he murdered mercilessly randoms. Killing them had become such a routine thing that it scared him to say he was getting tired of it. He didn't know why he was beginning to feel that way. Raising his scythe, the only item he was cast in the void with, he towers above a cowering child yet pauses.

He spent his entire life doing this so why was he hesitating now.

After almost 6 months he had lost his usual eagerness for sacrifices. Times he would find himself sitting in the midst of the randoms not even bothering to kill them as more just spawned in their place. What he took notice of more was how he felt no human need here. Sure he was immortal but least when he was in the human world he had an appetite, he could feel tired, or the relieving urge to piss. Yet here those needs were nonexistent. Being in the void had gave Hidan the opportunity to think. It gave him time to think about every single decision he had ever made and every single thing he had ever did.

Letting his scythe fall from his hand with an exasperated curse he plops on the blank ground watching the endless amounts of randoms walk as if they were going somewhere boredly. He had no idea why the hell the bitch put him in this weird genjutsu and sure as hell would give her an earful when he got out of it...that is if he ever got out.

His brows furrowed in paranoia at the thought of being stuck in this place for all eternity. Killing. Sacrifices for his god. This was what he had wanted yet he couldn't help but feel empty.

A special memory he had secretly cherished comes to mind of the time he and his frien- the others had went to the beach. For once he didn't need blood to shed or to feel pain to be content.

To feel alive.


Hidan glances up slightly shocked at the kid he hadn't bothered to kill sits in front of him curiously.
It was pointless to attempt to converse with any of the randoms as anything they said came out gibberish and if they did want to talk to Hidan they never got the chance to as he'd usually slaughter on sight. All in all, this was the first time he was able to understand a random and he found himself perking up at the first ounce of communication with someone even if it were a mere illusion.

"Being here as long as you have, had wanting to change ever crossed your mind? To start over?"

"Fucking change what.." the albino murmurs his throat aching slightly as he hadn't used his voice in while.

"I don't know, to do something different...?" child questioned catching the jashinist off guard.

Hidan thought the strange question over, he had once thought of traveling the world, learning about the various religions. It was among one of the silly things he thought about whilst in this endless hell hole. And if he had to choose he'd rather had died then stay here his whole life.

"I would if I could, but Im a heartless murderer. Why would someone like me deserve a second chance?" The man stated running a hand through his silver locks sighing. He had to admit he had done some pretty fucked up things in his life time and he himself didn't think he deserved anything. However, if he did have the chance he would turn back the clock. Redeem himself in not only the name of jashin but for his sake as well. He had red on his ledger and he'd do anything to wipe it out if he had the chance, but he didn't.

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