You are kind [26]

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Tenshi visits the leaf village for reasons unknown. Now taking a detour of the abandoned uchiha compound.


I take a step on the wooden steps leading to the house skipping a few, as some stairs had rotted leaving nothing but crumbled wood.
Once I reach the top I take a deep breath sensing the countless souls lingering out of view. Ignoring the whispers in my ear, I push the sliding door to the entrance open making sure to shut the door behind me as I advance silently through the house.

The house of Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha.
Before I turn a corner to go down a hallway where I assumed the bedrooms were located, I catch out of the corner of my eye white tape on the ground in another room in the shape of 2 human bodies almost as if they died atop one another.

"His mother and father..." I murmur not knowing how to feel. I mean it's not like I had any room to judge. My parents both met their demises by my doing so I really wasn't a saint myself. Sure me and Itachi both had entirely different reasons and circumstances but we were the same none the less.

I truely felt for Itachi as I knew he had a choice in the whole situation where as I didn't. My clans demise was merely through a spur of rage and sorrow.

My brows furrow in sorrow as I piece the image I had seen when I was introduced to Itachi breaks my vision.

"You were crying." I mumble.
Gritting my teeth I finally turn the corner making my way down the hall. This village... If I hadn't held a place in my heart for this village and the wonderful people I had met through it, I'd probably been join sides with Orochimaru and tried to destroy it too.

I knew that holding the village itself accountable for not only Itachis suffering but mines and others as well would do no good. Just because there's a few rotten apples in the basket doesn't mean the rest are. There were good people here and they didn't deserve to be punished because of a few assholes.

Tracing the small uchiha fan carved on a random door I slide the door open gasping at whom it belonged to. I absorbed the small details of his room letting my hand glide over the soft crisp sheets of the bed. I inhale the scent of honey, feeling my lips twitch at the familar scent.

I examine the contents of the room, my eyes landing on an old body mirror leaning against the wall. The sight of myself in Itachis mirror made me grimace. It wasn't that I was overly insecure but the fact that I had changed so much over the years and it always baffled me. I could remember the girl who never gave up and at one point didn't give a fuck about fate. The girl I had become when I first came to the leaf village. But now it was as if I had switched back to my old ways from when I was under my fathers wing.

My brother had always told me that, your fate was already written. But sometimes you just have to grab a pen and become the author of your own life. It always confused me back then by what he meant as I was ignorant then and accepted the fact that I was a weapon. A tool for the greater good. But now I understood what he had meant.

I scowl in distraught looking at the girl I had become now. My mother nor brother wouldn't be proud of whom I've let myself become.

Looking away from the mirror, I decide to snoop through the uchihas meeting hall. I couldn't let myself sleep as I was aware that peins sources could be anyone; lurking in the darkness. Now standing in the center of the old meeting hall, I strafe along the walls of the building. the pads of my fingers glide along in search of something.

"There's gotta be something here." I murmur.
As if reading my mind, I stop as a portion of the wall caves in causing a portion of the floor to open, stairs leading into darkness. I narrow my eyes igniting my hand taking cautious steps down the mysterious path till I found myself in a cave like room with nothing but a stone tablet on the floor in the center and the uchihas crest hanging on the wall behind it.

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