Who's the hottest?

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"hey (y/n), how many question left? " ask on of my classmates.

I check the notebook and answer "25 more algebra questions.. " and I continue write the questions on the whiteboard.

Everyone on the class groan at the same time.  They lazily answer the math questions I wrote on the whiteboard.  It's not just them,  I'm also lazy to write everything.  I wish Luka was in my class so I can ask her about every question. Why is miss Kasane always give us so many works? Can't she just gave us free period once??

As I write on the board,  a few girls is chatting loudly at the corner of the room.  Instead of studying they choose chatting. And Miku is just one of those girls who really love talking about everything. 

"Who's the hottest guy on school? " suddenly I heard one of the girls shout.



"Piko is quite hot guys"

"Leek-sama!!" everyone including me stare at Miku. 

Then,  one of my classmate ask "how about Mr. Kagamine? He's hot!  Everyone knows it"

The words stung into my mind mentally. An image of him hanging out with me for this past weeks start coming to my mind.  And the thing that made me can't believe on myself anymore is I think he is hot. I just think my teacher that also my fiance is hot mentally. I mean,  hotter than before. 

"you're right!  He is hot!! I think if we can get rid of that glasses and took away that strict and rude attitude he's gonna be really attractive. " my ears is getting itchier by the seconds I heard my friends talking. 

Now it made me curious. I already saw him whithout glasses a few times,  but Mr. Kagamine is still the strict and dense and rude and straight faced teacher I know.  Well maybe a few laughs and giggles but I still see him as a teacher. I wonder if he's also like that on high school.

"(y/n), what's the next question? " I quickly snap out of my thoughts and continue writing on the board still hearing the girls chatter.


After school has came,  me and the trio walk home together as usual.  As we waited for Luka buying some bread on the middle of the road,  I only stare at my phone screen searching for anime. 

"who do you think (y/n)?" Meiko suddenly ask as she touch my shoulder. I snap out of my own worlds and stare at my two friends Miku and Luka.  I didn't even realize I mention it. 

"Mr.  Kagamine"

"WHAT? " Miku and Meiko look at me with shock.

"eh? " I ask to myself.

"he is hot but... Isn't he's our teacher? "

"wait wait wait! What do you guys ask me again? " I ask trying to stay calm and not panicking. 

"I was asking Meiko who's the hottest guy on school,  and we ask you, you answer Mr. Kagamine" Miku explained.

Meiko laughs and punch my shoulder lightly "I know he's hot (y/n), but he's too old"

"isn't he's still on his early twenties? " Miku asked.

"he is" I answer and getting a stare from Meiko.

"I didn't know you have a thing for old mans" Luka suddenly joins in.

"what?  no?!! " I exclaimed.

"guys, Mr. Hot stuff just exit the school grounds" Miku pointed at Me.  Kagamine who's standing in the front of the school gate. When,  a car came and he enter the passenger seat.  I remember that car,  it's rin-san's car. 

"yeah..  Mr. Hot stuff!! "Meiko said and laughs at her own words.

And since that day,  everyone on school start calling Mr.  Kagamine 'Mr. Hot stuff' and that is how the nickname for our music teacher came from. 

I'm Engaged To My Teacher 『Len X Reader』 Where stories live. Discover now