I'm So Glad I Dropped The Book

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"I dropped it!! I drop the damn book!"

"it's your own fault" Luka sighs as she check on her phone.

"you can buy another one!!" Miku suggested cheerfully. 

"ughhhhhh...  I'm too lazy to go out again.. "

"how could you drop it on the first place? " Meiko ask with her usual grins. 

"I ran away cause.... " I clears my throat "cause I forgot I have an anime marathon schedule" I lied.

"idiot" Meiko and Luka said together.

"who's idiot? " Miku ask.

I run my hand trough my hair, the bell rang. The four of us parted away and went to our own classes.


"That's do Hatsune-san" Mr. Kagamine stated and Miku grins.

"I thought it was sol"

"This is why none of you have good grades in music!" A hand hit the wooden desk hardly, everyone on the class look down to their table.

"Sit down!" Mr. Kagamine demand, Miku grins again, and run to her seat by my side.

All of us raised our head to see Mr. Kagamine writing something on the whiteboard. I felt a hand tap my arm and Miku throw a small paper ball to me. I took the small paper call and read the text.

'I hate music period'

Taking my pen, I wrote behind the written side,

'So do I'

"Class dismisses!" Mr. Kagamine states and everyone sighs of relief. The torturing period is over, finally FREE!! Me and Miku take our money and walk to the cafeteria passing the teacher's desk.  Mr.  Kagamine was collecting his belongings and glance at me.  I ignore him and pull Miku away to the cafeteria.  After what he says yesterday,  it make me shivers.  I'm starting to think he's a pedophile. 

I saw Luka and Meiko stood in the corridor waiting for us.  Miku quickly ran away and tackled Luka for a hug that's she gladly denies. 

"I'm hungry" I said.

"we all are"

Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder.  Miku point to behind her.

"Mr.  Kagamine is calling for you" she said and I look back to see Mr.  Kagamine walking towards us. 

His blue eyes darted to me as he pulled a small book from his bag.  "you drop this yesterday" he said and hand the manga I dropped yesterday. 

Wait, I didn't even buy it. My eyes widen as I look back at him. 

"sir, I didn't-" I didn't even finish talking when he walk away leaving us behind.  Luka told us to go to the cafeteria Now or we won't get any seat.

I stare at the book in my hand and sighs. I guess I'll hold the book for a little while. 


So,  after school I decided to give it back to him. I feel really awful having this book with me that I didn't even buy it in the first place. I stood the other to go without me,  like usual Miku was a little concern but it's  fine with a little pull by Luka and Meiko.  I went to the teacher's room to find Mr.  Kagamine,  but he's nowhere seen.

"Ms.  Kasane,  do you know where Mr.  Kagamine is? " I asked to the oink haired teacher. 

"try to look in the music room.  Maybe he's still there" I nodded and go to the music room. 

The school was almost empty, I gulp and see the music room sign on the wall hanging above the wooden door.  I slide the door open and see my music teacher sitting in teacher's desk holding a wooden guitar.  He heard me opening the door and put down his guitar.

"is there anything that I can help you (l/n)-san?"

I take a deep breath and step inside the room closing the door behind me.  I walk over to him as I open my bag to take the manga book from inside and hand it to him.  Mr. Kagamine stood from the desk standing in front of me. 
"here" I said.

Mr.  Kagamine look at me and the book alternately. He took one step towards me.

"it's  yours"

"but I didn't buy it last night"

He chuckled "do you want it? "

"um.. Honestly I really want the book.  But,  I can't take that's not mine! "

"then you can have it"

"what? But-" he cut me off "let's  just say I bough it for you"

"but, I can't just take it!! "

"I say you can,  then you can" he ruffle my hair,  I was going to say something when I feel his index finger on my lips. 

"you need to learn how to obey your future husband" he said with a smirk curved on his lips. 

As usual,  I black out.


I wake up still in the music room,  however a handsome guy face is right in front of me.  I almost faint again, luckily I didn't.  I was laying on the floor and sat up.  He was squirting in Front of me.


"you faint again,  as usual"

I give a nervous chuckle "right.. " I feel my face is getting warmer again. Why is he acting like this these days?  I don't really like the idea my own teacher tease and flirt with me.  Mostly cause it's  getting more and more often lately. I take a deep breath and look back to him.  Collecting all the courage I have. 

"why are you like this? "

He raised an eyebrow "what do you mean? "

"I mean.. " I sighs "y-you flirt with me really often lately. "

"oh,  are you disturb by it?  I'll stop if you want"

"NO! " I shout half panic "I was just curious  why you do it"

And again,  he smirked "does that mean you enjoy it? " I can't answer that question,  he laughs at me and sat down by my side. "cause I enjoy your blushing expression. It's  so cute" and again,  I feel my face burn.

"o-oh..  I.. Um.. "

"c'mon (y/n), I'll take you home" he offer me a hand to stood up.

I smile while holding my blush and accept his hand to stand up.  And after that,  he took me home.


I need more spice len tbh
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