We Actually Went On The Date (2)

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"Rin, you're spying on us aren't you? " Mr. Kagamin- LEN said to a woman with blonde hair with a hoodie.

"no, I was just watching the movie too when I spot you guys now"

"I heard your giggle when the movie was running. Why do you always interfere sigh my personal life? "

"we're twins Len! Nothing's personal between us!! I even know your little friend size" she pointed at the floor-l oh I was wrong, it's not the floor. Forget it.

"shut up!! Now go away" Mr. Kagamine or Len stated and he pulled me away from his sister.

Wow, twins fight is like this guy. That's interesting. I wonder if they even have so some twincest once, that would be like in those doujin-SMACK

"why do you smack yourself? " Mr. Kagamine asked.

"for stopping my amazing imagination run wild" I answer "so, are we going home now? " I ask him.

He flash a smile and pointed to a food stand. "want some crepes? Cause I do" I nodded in agreement and we went to the food stand.

"I want a banana crepes with lots of bananas" he stated. The woman nodded with a smile and look at me.

"and which one your girlfriend want? "
I blush and cover my mouth with my hand. "just the chocolate cheese crepes"

I look at my side, Mr. Kagamine stood with his hands inside his jacket pocket. He didn't even care about the woman call me his girlfriend. What the hell is happening to me? Why am I thinking so much? And why am I even blushing? The person besides me is just Mr. Kagamine, it's just Mr. Kagamine...

Curse my mind, the person besides me a really handsome guy not just my fucking teacher!!

Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder "you okay?" I turn around and see his face was a little closer to me. There's still a long distance between our face but this is the sensitive breathing area

So this is what it feels to be like in those damn shojo manga.


"yeah I'm fine, just hungry" I answer mentally cursing myself for everything I did.

"before that, I'm going to go somewhere, you mind? " he said. Well he already go to the movies with me and watch it although he only stare at the screen sigh a bored face. I should follow him this time.



I stood inside the shop and stare at the things I don't even know what it is. All I know it's about music. We're inside a shop that sells things about music I think.. While Mr. Kagamine or Len is on the other side talking to the worker about something that I don't understand. After a few minutes staring at the weird things I get bored and suddenly, I heard someone okay some guitar keys.

I quickly go to the counter and saw Mr. Kagamine holding a guitar on his hands and playing it slowly. He keep continue playing the guitar in the front of the workers. It seems that the worker here know him. The tall worker with blonde hair spot me and smile.

"is that your new girlfriend Len? "

Mr. Kagamine stop playing and he look at me. He smirks and answer. "she's not my girlfriend, yohio" the blonde worker face become down and somehow I felt my heart ache "but she's my fiance..."





"you know, you don't need to fall to the ground just because I told him your my fiance" Mr. Kagamine scold me inside the car as we're on our way home. "and look at your forehead, your mum is gonna scold me for that" he groan and I rub my forehead that's a little hurt because of falling.

I mean, who won't faint because of that?

Please, I'm a high school girl don't expect me to do just smile or blush like those girls. I faint you peps. I literally faint and I think he carried me to the car...

"you know, if you're not feeling so well you don't need to go watching that movie. Your face is all red today" he said.

That's because of you damn it!

"who cares about me? , as long as I watch the movie premiere"

"I care"



"I'll pretend I didn't hear that.. "

"ok" I wish I knew he was blushing when said that.


He stopped the car in the front of my house gate. I open the door and exit the car. I turn around and look at Mr. Kagamine as he look back at me.

"thanks for the day, I really appreciate it" I said trying to give my best smile.

"no problem" he said then silence took over everything for ten minutes that feel like a thousand hours. I almost open my mouth to say goodbye when he suddenly hand me a piece of paper.

"for me? " I asked and he nodded. I took the paper and read some numbers that is written neatly on them "what's this? "

He chuckle "my phone number, what else? Add that to your contact list." he stated and I think I blush again.

"how about you? You don't have my number right? " I ask back.

"I have your number on my phone, my parents already gave me a while ago"

"oh.. Um.. Thanks Len.. " I hesitate mention his name.

His eyes widen but soon laughs again. I close the car door and sighs trying to hide my face.

"I don't know what did you thank me for but you're welcome (y/n), see you later" he smile and drove away.

I stood in my place stare at the card with the numbers on my hand. I hesitately insert his number on my contact list. I need to stop my hand from trembling when clicking his contact from now.

I'm sorry if these two chapters have so many grammar mistakes.
I'm actually in a hurry and I can't check the grammar back for a while.

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