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The only thing I can do is stare at the sight outside if the car's window passing houses and buildings. I've spoken no words since we left the house. With my father driving and mother in the front passenger seat and I'm all single in the middle here. Plus I'm wearing the kind of fancy lil dress people use for those dinner. It's pretty but goddammit this clothes are so thin that I'm freezing cold despite wearing a coat. (hey that kinda rhythm)

Mum keep humming happily in the front while stealing glances at me from time to times. And dad starting to talk about their work that I don't have any idea what the freaking hell they're talking about.

And it felt so short that we've already arrived.

It was actually a nice house. It's big but not 'that' big though. You know like yanagi's house from the manga last game. If you dunno then just search it up cause that is one awesome manga there. Oh and it's also romance so... Forget about it. I'm blabbering too much anyway.

My dad parked the car just outside the house and we exit the car together. It looks like the people inside the house heard our car came cause not long after we exit the car Mr. Kagamine's mum comes out with a big smile on her face.

My mum quickly took my hand and pulled me towards the front door. Both woman greet each other and start talking about cooking or something about clothes.

Aunt Kagamine turn her attention towards me. She'll going to hug me in three... Two... One...

"I missed you (y/n)!! My daughter in law is really a cute girl, aren't you?" she said that while hugging me so suddenly.
Told you.

"yeah..." I answer. And of course she's going to call me that. None of my friends can know this.

As we enter the house I couldn't help to examine every corner of the room. There's a leather sofa set in the middle of the room with a huge TV stick on the wall. The room was connected to the dining room a little at the back and over a black marble counter was a kitchen. There's a medium size stair on the right side of the room leaving to the second floor. I followed my parents to the dining room where I found the place was already prepared with many plates filled with delicious food that the smell is already making my stomach screaming.

"looks tasty"

Mum nudge me from my comment and I replied with a grin.

"where's your husband, the twins?" mum asked.

"There was a sudden business came up so he needs to work a little late today. And talking about the kids I thought they were ready.."

And them suddenly the voice of two blonde figures who's walking down the stairs answered all.

"You flat chested freak! This is why no one fancy you for more than twenty years! "

"I don't wanna be told that with someone that even have an arranged marriages!"

"it's still better than being single for the rest of life like you do! "

"it's not my fault I'm too cute for those stupid mens. They're all just a jerk"

"that's because no one can stand you!"

"oh and you think (y/n) could stand you for long? I bet she's going to dump you like that girl on highschool. "

I watched as their argument continue as they walking down the stairs until Aunt Kagamine just clap her hand and the argument stopped just like that.

Two pair of blue electric eyes finally realizes my family present in the room. Dad was already sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper making himself comfortable, though.

The twins went silent and walk up to the dining room taking their seats. Mum called dad and we start eating. The conversation was dominated by mum and auntie with Rin-san adding here and there. And me? I keep staring at my plate.

"Mum" he suddenly called in the middle of the conversation. "I need to talk with (y/n) for a minute. Can I?"


"but mum-" I couldn't even finish my sentences, he just take my hand and pull me away. I tried to let go of my hand but he just grin me tighter from before. I gave up and decide to let him do whatever he want, for now.

He took me to the back of his house. It was a quite big garden, I can't really see the surroundings because of the dark but there's a few lights so I can conclude the place must be beautiful in daylight. He took me to a seat not far from the house. We both sat while both keeping quite a distance between us.



God, I hate these kind of moments

How can everything become like this? It's just because that convention right? I only know what I did wrong!..... Maybe I do but come on.. It was only Kyo. He wouldn't do anything to me, it's only normal for friends to hang out. Just because he confess to me once mean I can't be friends with him. What's his problem anyway for getting angry on such a small trivial thing like that?

"dont you have anything to say to me?" he began the conversation, glaring at me.

"no" I replied.

He sighs and run his hand trough his bangs, hid other hand took a pair of glasses from his pocket and put it on. "this is what you get for dating with a child"

I quickly turn my head towards him angrily "Excuse me?! What did you just said?"

"I said this is what you get from dating with a child"

And thus a war began...

slow down with the hate


Let me tell you what happened in these past months.

In the beginning of the year I was collecting all my grades from the seventh grade until nineth grade because I got an invitation from the high school I was aiming since three years ago. Then go with all of the interviews and go here and there even in my weekends just to organize the files. Alhamdulillah I got the invitation and manage to get in without anymore test here and there. And I'm telling you I was scared half to dead reading the announcement. After that my final chance to join an English Olympic, and alhamdulillah I manage to get first but then the school gave us TRY OUT six times to prepare us for National exam. And followed with mid semester test, and them final semester test. Just three weeks ago it started. The semester national standard exam began and followed by national exam that just finished today! The day I am publishing this chapter.

And don't tell me I'm just giving reasons to not updating because I do. Is it wrong that I am thinking of my grades?

It made me don't wanna write this story anymore. And I swear if it still continue say goodbye to this book.


I'm Engaged To My Teacher 『Len X Reader』 Where stories live. Discover now