Don't say AWWWW

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"I said 'this is what you get for dating a child' don't you get it?!" he shouted and there's this swords just coming up from nowhere stab my heart.

"can't you just say what you want to say to me?! Just spill it out you fool!"

"you take things too lightly (y/n)! Dating isn't something you can just take it so lightly."

"I just don't like to take things too serious! It's too much of a bother. Relationship is too complicated, you're getting mad at me for such trivial reason!"

"you were walking with another guy, without even telling me? I have the right to be angry at you. If this relationship is too much of a bother for you just say no from the start."

"I just can't say that out of nowhere! What our parents will say?"

"if you're only doing this for your parents then stop it. You're not taking anything serious. You don't even complain when I walk with another woman!"

"because it's not my problem. It's not my problem if you hanging out with another woman"

"you're saying that it's fine if I chest on you"

"I'm not saying something like that. It's different"

"it's the same thing. You have the right to ask me but no you don't"

"you know I saw you with that woman? Did you do it on purpose?"

I stare at him in the eyes. Hid blue electric eyes glaring at me, the tears in my eyes just can't hold on any longer.
He's right, I'm just a child.

An unwanted tear just came out of nowhere from my eyes. "'re right... I'm just a child.. "

His face softened "(y-y/n)... Hey.. I'm sorry. I said too much.."

"n-no, you're right" I wiped the tears with my wrist, looking at the ground "I suck at these relationship things..... We shouldn't.... have done any.. . Of this in the first place"

"(y/n) I'm sorry.. I should've understand you more.  Hey (y/n)..." he called my name as I start to sob.

I felt awful. It's like all of the bad feeling bursting so sudden until my tears can't stop flowing out. A pair of hand hold both of my wrist. I still look down,  going my face. I can guess he's now right in front of me. I can't see him, I just can't see him right now.

"(y/n)... Look at me" he said but I ignore him.

The hands switch place to the both side of my face. He's pulling my face towards him, his thumbs wiping my tears away. I swear I look awful right now.

Then he just kissed me.
He just pulled my face and kissed me softly I can't even help to stop the blush coming.

"let me get this straight" he said after pulling away "do you love me?"

His sudden question made a blush creap to my face.

"w-what kind of question is that?"

"just answer me"

I sighs and look away "y-you already know the answer... "

"I want to hear it from you though" he smirk,  his hand slowly pinching my cheek.

"o-of course I-i l-love you.. Idiot"

A wide smile forming at his lips he kissed my forehead and caressing my face softly. "are you jealous if I walk with another woman?"

"I'm not jealous! It's just I feel disturb and angry and disappointed a little.. "

"I feel the exactly the same when I found out you walk with the Kyo kid. I know I can't forbid you for doing things like that cause you're still a high schooled but next time at least tell me first before. Okay?"

I nodded and he brought me again for another kiss. This time it was longer and deeper. I felt my body getting warmer with every second pass. He's so close to me and I'm fangirling on the inside.

"you're really cute" he said after that,  teasing me.

"shut up" I said it with a smile. "sorry.. I was really bring childish earlier. I don't understand a thing about this dating stuff"

"nah, it's fine. Well take it slow. I also am fault for being so bold and inconsiderate to you.  You're a girl after all"

"what am I?  A man?! "

Len laughed "let's get inside. It's getting colder and I can hear your stomach growling from here"


So that happens.
My heart felt at ease. The weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulder and I feel so refreshed.

"you're smiling face starting to creep me out.."

I turn to Miku and hug her from the side "I'm just so happy meeks"

"mhm" the teal haired girl nodded and sips her vegetable juices while watching Meiko and Luka playing volleyball at the field. Schools already finished for today, me and Miku are waiting for the other two finished playing volleyball to walk home together. We could just go home without then but right now I really want to be such my friends.

"you girls haven't go home yet?" a such a wonderful familiar voice was heard. Me and Miku turn around to find Mr. Kagamine looking at us. That's odd,  he's wearing a mask. Did he catch a cold or something?

"we're waiting for Mei and Luka finishes playing. Did you two made up?" Miku asked looking at us back and forth.

"something like that" Mr.  Kagamine said with a soar voice.

"if you're not feeling well just go home" I said worriedly.

He smile and pat my head with his book in hand "thank you but I have work. So excuse me girls.. "

Before he walk away too far, I run on his shirt and embarrassingly said.

"Len, don't force yourself too much"

He send me a smile and walk away after I release my hand into him. Miku look at me suspicisly.  "you called him with his name"

I laughed "well, It was just a tiny agreement between us"


Here's another one


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