I Wanna Watch A Movie, Not A Date!

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I can't thank enough for the people that has fixed my really grammars.
I'm really grateful >_< thank you for everything!!


"oh, come on!!  At least one of you could go with me" I protest.

Miku give a sad smile and shake her head.  Luka sighs staring at her drink and Meiko avoiding my gaze.

"sorry (y/n), but I need to pick up Mikuo from the airport." Miku apologized.

"I need to tutor Luki"

"My cousin is coming over think weekend"

I groan and lay my head on the table. Why can't anyone go watch the new anime movie this weekend?  It's the new No Game No Life : Zero!!  And I need to watch it think weekend. 

"why don't you just download on internet? " Meiko suggested.

I sighs and take a sip of my coffee "no,  that will make the studio lose money. I need to help the anime studio's getting money too. I can't just watch free anime all the time! "

"what? " Miku ask confused.

"forget about it" I said.

"I'm sorry,  maybe you could ask someone else" Luka said.

I think I know who to ask,  but if I wasn't wrong that person is busy this weekend. 


"c'mon Mum..  It's just a few hours... Then I'll go shopping with you at the mall" I pleaded pulling my mum shirt sleeve.

"no (y/n), me and your father is busy that day.. " she pat my head and continue cooking. 

I groan and throw myself to the couch and turn the TV on. And with a cup of warm chocolate on my hand.

"why don't you ask someone else? "

"who? My friends are busy"

Mum didn't answer for a moment and think "How about Len? " at the same time I hear his name I choke on my drink and the warm chocolate fall to my clothes.

"what?! Him? No way!! " I complain as I clean my shirt with some tissues but it didn't work. Now I need to change my clothes.. 

"what's wrong? It's only Len.  Besides,  you two need to hang out more often.  I never see you two on a date or something"

"No,  mum. Absolutely no!! "

"But I already text his parents" mum give me a disappointment look. Since when she text them?  "and his parents say he will go"

I mentally scream and only stare at my mom with a straight face.  Mum,  I love you but sometimes you're also annoying.. 

"fine" I answer and run to my room to change my clothes.


The next day,  me and friends arrived at the school as usual.  As we walk to our classes, we pass the teacher's room.  I spot Mr.  Kagamine just exit the room holding his books. He look at me and stop at his track. I look at him confused then he continue walking. 

What was that?


The bell rang again,  means it's time to go home.  I pack all my things and head to the front yard of the school with Miku.  But before that, I need to go to the toilet!

"TOILET!! " I shout and run to the toilet. 

After a few minutes on the toilet, I feel better and can go home without any trouble.  Or so I though. 

"what's the meaning of the date? " he ask.

"since when did you waited for me here? " I ask back clearly confused why the heck he's standing in the front of the girls toilet. 

"since I saw you entering the toilet. Now,  explain to me about the date my parents mention yesterday" he said in a monotone voice.

I flinch and look down to my feet "well,  I was just looking for someone to go watch a movie with me..  And none of my friends can and..  Mum suddenly told me to ask you but I denied but she still send messages about it to your parents.."

I hear him sighing and I finnaly look up to him.  He look at me lazily.  "what kind of movie? "

I grins "No Game No Life : Zero"

He click his tongue "I should have expected that.  I'll pick you up at 10 Am on saturday. Don't be late" he said and walk away leaving me on the place. 

I stood dumbfounded at place.  I heard footsteps coming towards me. "(y/n)!!" called Luka.

"e-eh?  What?! "

Luka hold hold my cheek and observe my face "what happen?  Did Mr.  Kagamine do something? "

I think for a moment and shake my head "it's nothing, he told me that my grades on his subject is low this last few weeks so he said it to me directly" I explain and pull Luka to meet Meiko and Miku outside.

"you sure? " Luka was clearly still worried. 

"I'm sure of it" I answer.

And my heart can't stop pounding everytime I think about the date. 

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And please tell me if I have a grammar mistake


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