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one - "get out of my house, strange!"

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one - "get out of my house, strange!"


"Are you sure you left him here?" Thor asked.

"Uhh..." Loki looked at the rubble of bricks. The sounds of New York engulfed the two brothers as they stood and watched some construction trucks wheel away the rubble of the elderly home where he SWORE he left Odin.

"Did you leave our father on the sidewalk or in the broken building?" the blonde asked angrily. Loki put his hands up defensively.

"I promise that he's safe! I could've swore he was here..." The raven-haired man thought hard and subconsciously smoothed his all black suit. "How was I supposed to know this would happen? I'm can't look into the future- I'm not a witch." Thor scoffed.

"You certainly are dressed as one." Loki furrowed his eyebrows. Some teenage girls walked past and squealed when they saw Thor. Loki rolled his eyes with disgust.

"Can we take a picture?" one of the girls asked. Thor nodded happily and grinned as they took a selfie, one of the Midgardian terms that Loki had learned. "Sorry that Jane dumped you..." they said as they walked away. Loki raised an amused eyebrow. Thor blushed a bit.

"S-she didn't dump me," he cleared his throat, "I dumped was a uh mutual agreement."

"Right." There was a small pause. All of a sudden, a silver car screeched to a halt by the sidewalk. The brothers looked with interest as a furious-looking Asian got out even though the car was still in drive. She was wearing skinny jeans and a simple purple short sleeved shirt, all matched with some black combat boots.

"Get in," she demanded, opening the back door. Thor looked surprised, but also...happy? He waved slightly. Loki looked at his brother with wide eyes.

"Who is this..."

"Get in before I drag you two in!" Thor got into the car willingly, but Loki stayed behind. There was a twittering sensation by his feet. He looked down and saw an orange-ish circle form around under him. The Asian woman groaned and quickly flicked her wrist.

"What the-" Before he could protest, a golden whip was flung out and wrapped around his waist, pulling him into the car. The car door slammed behind him, and they sped off into the New York traffic.

"I cannot BELIEVE you are in New York City!" she said, apparently mad, from the driver's seat. She twisted the wheel, and they swerved to the left. Loki almost fell into Thor. He unwrapped the golden rope from his suit. The whip thankfully didn't wrinkle the black material and returned back to the woman's wrist, where it raveled up to make a small but fashionable bracelet.

"Mira Mark! I didn't know you still lived here!" Thor exclaimed joyfully. Loki raised an eyebrow. The name sounded familiar...

"Thor Odinson!" Mira yelled. Thor paled a little.

Superheroes {Loki Laufeyson - Ragnarok}Where stories live. Discover now